Added on 23/11/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Bahrain , Barack Obama , Ben White , DOS , Egypt , Europe , Gaza , Gaza Strip , George W. Bush , Hamas , India , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Jihad , Israel , Jerusalem , Jordan , Lebanon , Likud Party , Madrid , Middle East , Mohammed Morsi , Netanyahu , Oslo , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , Pennsylvania , President , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , Washington , West Bank

JUAN COLE: Achieving a ceasefire is significant but if it’s to remain in place all parties must use the gap in hostilities to secure real progress.
Added on 30/07/2012
Juan Cole
Benyamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Christian Zionists , fundraiser , George W. Bush , Iran , Iraq , Irgun , Israel , Jerusalem , King David Hotel , Likud Party , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Menachem Begin , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Obama , Olympics , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Sheldon Adelson , sitting president , United Kingdom , United States

JUAN COLE: The trip of Republic Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to Israel is in bad taste for lots of reasons. Here are just 10 reasons as to why…
Added on 28/01/2012
Juan Cole
Alan Grayson , America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Department of State , Egypt , Fatah , Florida , Food and Drink , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Germany , Governor , Haifa , Hamas , Hannah Arendt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Israeli army , Italy , Jerusalem , League of Nations , Lebanon , Likud Party , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newt Gingrich , Obama , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Republican Party , Romney , Sheldon Adelson , Syria , Tel Aviv , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JUAN COLE: The maths speaks for itself – a country of 7.5 million people is surrounded by 400 others with whom it seems to be at constant odds.
Added on 16/10/2011
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , Adel Al-Jubeir , Africa , Atlantic coast , Bahrain , Bashar al-Assad , East Africa , Egypt , Europe , Gilad Shalit , Hamas , Hizballah , Human Rights Watch , Iran , Iraq , Islamist government , Israel , Libya , Mahmoud Abbas , Manama , Massachusetts , Mexico , Middle East , North Africa , Obama administration , Oil , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Quds Force , Salesman , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Texas , Tunisia , Turkey , United States , US government , Washington , Yemen

JAMES M. DORSEY: The people power movement has the most to lose and could find itself in the grinder as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Iran jockey for power.
Added on 26/09/2011
Juan Cole
Bahrain , Bahrain government , Barack Obama , Binyamin Netanyahu , Egypt , France , Gaza , Harry Truman , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israeli government , Libya , Manama , Middle East , Nigeria , Obama , Obama administration , Oslo , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Saudi Arabia , Tel Aviv , Tunisia , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank

JUAN COLE: Obama has squandered the positives by pandering to the right wing forces in Manama and Tel Aviv. This is change the Arab youth won’t be able to believe in.
Added on 11/06/2011
Juan Cole
Anthony Weiner , Columbia University , Congress , Gaza , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli navy , Lebanon , Mahatma Gandhi , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Middle East Opinions of America , New York , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , President , South Africa , South Lebanon , The New York Times , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JUAN COLE: Forget about the ‘sexting scandal’, Anthony Weiner has a lot more to answer for than some private peccadilloes. His blind allegiance to Israel means that he’s played a uniformly sinister role on Middle East matters.
Added on 14/02/2011
Juan Cole
Al Qaeda , Algeria , Algiers , Bahrain , Democracy , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Iran , Manama , Oil , Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries , Palestine Authority , President , Prime Minister , Reuters , Salam Fayyad , Tunisia , United States , Washington , West Bank , Yemen , Yemeni military

JUAN COLE – Events are moving quickly around the Arab World following the departure of Hosni Mubarak. I highlight, what I believe, are the most significant developments.
Added on 24/01/2011
Juan Cole
Abdel Bari Atwan , Diana Buttu , Fatah , Gaza , Hamas , Israel , Jerusalem , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , London , Mahmoud Abbas , Olmert government , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , President , Qatar , Saeb Erekat , The Guardian , United Nations

JUAN COLE: The 1600 documents leaked to Al Jazeerah could spell the end of the PLO and drive the nail in the coffin of the so-called ‘peace process’.
Added on 03/01/2011
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Ahmet Davutoglu , Alexandria , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ankara , Asia , Avigdor Lieberman , Bush , Christian Church , Damascus , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , Germany , Hamas , Hamid Karzai , Hosni Mubarak , House of Representatives , India , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi army , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jordan , Justice and Development Party , Kirkuk , Lebanon , MEK , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Netanyahu government , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , Oil , Pakistan , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Paris , President , Republican Party , Swat Valley , Syria , Taliban , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , US government , US military , Washington , West Bank , Wikileaks , Yemen

JUAN COLE: The Obama administration has been successful in tightening the financial noose on Iran during 2010, but Iran could fight back like a cornered rat…