Common Ground News Service

Children’s Books ‘A Powerful Way’ to Explain Islam

Children’s Books ‘A Powerful Way’ to Explain Islam

HENA KHAN, CGNEWS: As an author of children’s books that seek to explain some of the key precepts of Islam I’ve found they make a profound impact


Norah Al-Faiz: A Living Anomaly in the Kingdom

Norah Al-Faiz: A Living Anomaly in the Kingdom

AHMED AL OMRAN: The controversy surrounding Norah Al Faiz’s wearing of the niqab seems endless. What’s the significance?

 Common Ground News Service

Is Turkey Really the Right Model for Egypt?

Is Turkey Really the Right Model for Egypt?

MUSTAFA ANDELHALIM, CGNEWS: Egypt is creating its own narrative. There are lessons to be learned from Turkey but it’s not a complete solution

 Common Ground News Service

‘Turkey Is Our Model State’, Say Egyptians In Survey

‘Turkey Is Our Model State’, Say Egyptians In Survey

LUCY CHUMBLEY, CGNEWS: The role of religion in society is important for Egyptians but not as important as a strong economy.

 Common Ground News Service

The View from Over Here: Shifting Perceptions of the U.S. Post Arab Spring

The View from Over Here: Shifting Perceptions of the U.S. Post Arab Spring

SALIBA SARSAR: Surveying 3000 people in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco and the UAE, the poll assessed attitudes toward US- MidEast relations.

 mai abdul rahman

Opinion Shift: Support Weakening for Once Unquestionable Israel Funding

Opinion Shift: Support Weakening for Once Unquestionable Israel Funding

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: In the past, anyone who dared question military support for Israel would have been taken to task, labeled anti Semitic…

 Common Ground News Service

Dig In or Engage: Israel’s Stark Choice on Palestine

Dig In or Engage: Israel’s Stark Choice on Palestine

JEROME M. SEGAL, CGNEWS: The ‘internationalising’ of the Palestinian issue has potentially profound consequences for Israel.

 Common Ground News Service

Democracy Gets off to ‘a Flying Start’ in Egypt

Democracy Gets off to ‘a Flying Start’ in Egypt

JASON PETRUCCI: An impressive turnout, an engaged electorate, robust debate – the constitutional referendum in Egypt has given the people a taste of real democracy in action.


Frustration with U.S on Palestine Catalysing More Direct Measures

Frustration with U.S on Palestine Catalysing More Direct Measures

DAVID SCHWARTZMAN, MAI ABDUL, MONDOWEISS: The Middle East peace process is going nowhere fast and interested parties are giving up on the U.S.

 Tricia Pethic

Defending Muslims Should Not Entail Idealizing Them

Defending Muslims Should Not Entail Idealizing Them

Ironically, his reaction did more to embody the “angry Muslim male” stereotype that he was trying to avoid, than did any words of mine. He said domestic violence in the Muslim community is, and I quote, “almost non-existent.”