Added on 29/11/2012
mai abdul rahman
African Union , Arab League , Columbia , Declaration of Independence , European Union , Gaza , Hamas , Hillary Clinton , IDF , Israel , Israeli government , Jerusalem , Jordan , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Netanyahu , Obama , Obama administration , Oslo , Palestine , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Qatar , Russia , Secretary of State , UN General Assembly , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United Nations , United Nations General Assembly , United States , West Bank

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s a date laden with meaning and today another chapter will be written in Palestinian history – a chapter that is a potential game-changer.
Added on 01/05/2012
Africa , Asia , Cairo , Columbia , Egypt , Europe , India , Iran , Islam , John Edwards , Journalist , Latin America , Middle East , Mona Eltahawy , Mubarak , President , Qatar , Republican Party , Sports Illustrated , United States , Women , Women's issues , Yemen

DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s dogmatic rhetoric and a willingness to conform to imposed tyranny that are the real enemies.
Added on 03/04/2012
Ali Abunimah , America , Athens , Baltimore , Columbia , Declaration of Independence , elementary school , Hillary Clinton , Israel , Jeffrey Goldberg , Jerusalem , Marcus Garvey , Middle East , Minnesota , New England , Passover , Pentagon , Peter Beinart , Second Temple , Temple Mount , United States , West Bank

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: I will not allow meaning to be defined by fantasies about someone else’s olive trees thousands of miles away