
Larry David & The ‘Palestinian Chicken’ Affair

Larry David & The ‘Palestinian Chicken’ Affair

JESSE BENJAMIN, MONDOWEISS: When Larry David turned his attention to the Palestinian issue it provoked a veritable fire-storm.

 Common Ground News Service

Clash of Civilisations? Two Men Who Lived the Alternative

Clash of Civilisations? Two Men Who Lived the Alternative

LEWIS GROPP, CGNEWS: A recently released documentary highlights much that was little known about Muslim Spain. Its two ‘stars’ are a couple of Islamic and Jewish philosophers.


The Hateful Ideology Behind the Norway Massacre

The Hateful Ideology Behind the Norway Massacre

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Many of the ideas that apparently inspired the deranged, mass killer Anders Breivik are, unfortunately, held by people who appear regularly on mainstream media.

 Common Ground News Service

A Shock to the System: How Israel Turns Friends Away

A Shock to the System: How Israel Turns Friends Away

R. TAYLOR, MONDOWEISS: One woman’s story of her treatment at the hands of the Israeli authorities serves as a parable for how the country can turn its friends against it.

 Ramzy Baroud

How the PA Sold Out Palestinian Unity

How the PA Sold Out Palestinian Unity

RAMZY BAROUD: With a deficit standing at around $640 million, the PA government is experiencing one of its worst ever financial crises.

 Common Ground News Service

Blogging to Communicate with ‘the Other Side’

Blogging to Communicate with ‘the Other Side’

ZIAD KHALIL ABU ZAYYAD, CGNEWS: I felt the need to do something that could contribute more substantially to end the suffering of my people and reach peace with our neighbours.


The Gaza Flotilla – Now It’s Become a ‘Flytilla’

The Gaza Flotilla – Now It’s Become a ‘Flytilla’

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: Facing a battery of impediments the Gaza flotilla participants have resorted to typically ingenious methods to get their message across.

 Juan Cole

Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

PAUL NOTAR, INFORMED COMMENT: He’s always been a skilful player of ‘the Palestinian Card’ but as the region changes his hold on that particular narrative is no longer exclusive.


‘Drop Dead’: Message to U.S Gaza Flotilla

‘Drop Dead’: Message to U.S Gaza Flotilla

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: The American Gaza flotilla protesters have received some helpful advice from the U.S. State Department. They could be shot by Israeli forces.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Audacity of Hope’ Unlikely to Protect Gaza Flotilla Boat

‘Audacity of Hope’ Unlikely to Protect Gaza Flotilla Boat

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: The American boat due to participate in the upcoming flotilla to Gaza is named after one of President Obama’s books. Will hope be enough for those on board?

 Common Ground News Service

Dig In or Engage: Israel’s Stark Choice on Palestine

Dig In or Engage: Israel’s Stark Choice on Palestine

JEROME M. SEGAL, CGNEWS: The ‘internationalising’ of the Palestinian issue has potentially profound consequences for Israel.

 Common Ground News Service

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

The ’67 Borders: Who’s Happy to Accept Them?

DAHLIA SCHEINDLIN, CGNEWS: There are a group of people who, it would appear, support Barack Obama’s vision (and that of most of the rest of the world) for a Palestinian State.

 Juan Cole

Ten Real Reasons To Attack the Bigoted Weiner

Ten Real Reasons To Attack the Bigoted Weiner

JUAN COLE: Forget about the ‘sexting scandal’, Anthony Weiner has a lot more to answer for than some private peccadilloes. His blind allegiance to Israel means that he’s played a uniformly sinister role on Middle East matters.

 Ramzy Baroud

The Everyday Miracle of Building a Playground in Gaza

The Everyday Miracle of Building a Playground in Gaza

RAMZY BAROUD: Houses were transformed into rubble during the Israeli bombardment of Gaza. Residents have had to…


‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

LEONAR NIMOY, TABSIR: There is a viable plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s the ‘two-state’ solution and its application is, how should I put it, simply logical.

 Juan Cole

Israeli Attack on Unarmed Protesters – Criminal

Israeli Attack on Unarmed Protesters – Criminal

JUAN COLE: Israeli troops have a wide variety of non-lethal means of dealing with unarmed protesters. That they opted for live ammunition.

 Ramzy Baroud

Return to Gaza: Memories, Tears… and Barrad

Return to Gaza: Memories, Tears… and Barrad

RAMZY BAROUD: It was the visit to my former home which stirred some of the most poignant memories – a house full of unruly boys, an exasperated mother and a loving, resourceful, thundering father.


White House Web Page on Israel: The Lobby will be Delighted

White House Web Page on Israel: The Lobby will be Delighted

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Whoever put together the new White House web page on Israel clearly didn’t pay much attention to the recent speech by President Obama on the Middle East. It’s a ‘lobby triumph’.

 Crossroads Arabia

‘Time for Arabs to Stop Blaming America’: Commentator

‘Time for Arabs to Stop Blaming America’: Commentator

CROSSROADS ARABIA: We know America is far from perfect but it seems to be the source of all evil for many Arabs. One Arab man has had enough and has spoken out.

 Naseem Tarawnah

Dumb, and Dangerous: “Jordan Equals Palestine”

Dumb, and Dangerous: “Jordan Equals Palestine”

NASEEM TARAWNAH: 6,000 idiots from 69 countries around the world have signed a petition calling Jordan the alternative homeland for Palestinians?

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