
Laughter and Anger: In the Court of Al Aswany

Laughter and Anger: In the Court of Al Aswany

M. LYNX-QUALEY: He is arguably Egypt’s leading public intellectual and every week he holds public salons whose numbers have swelled hugely over the past year.

 Naseem Tarawnah

Dual Citizenship in Jordan: Not Acceptable

Dual Citizenship in Jordan: Not Acceptable

NASEEM TARAWNAH: So now those of us with dual citizenship will be required to give up our non-Jordanian passports if we wish to serve in government. Not a good sign.

 Naseem Tarawnah

Dumb, and Dangerous: “Jordan Equals Palestine”

Dumb, and Dangerous: “Jordan Equals Palestine”

NASEEM TARAWNAH: 6,000 idiots from 69 countries around the world have signed a petition calling Jordan the alternative homeland for Palestinians?


Bahrain: Five Burning Questions Needing Answers

Bahrain: Five Burning Questions Needing Answers

SLIMGULFIE: Over half a million Bahrainis who share the same religion are now thoroughly divided by their two sects. It’s heartbreaking.

 Steve Royston

Internships, Influence, And What Matters

Internships, Influence, And What Matters

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s fine to enjoy the discomfiture of a prominent politician. But let’s not get into a froth about issues well down the strategic scale, and concentrate on what matters: education.

 Naseem Tarawnah

‘Sense of violence’ pervades Jordanian society. Why?

‘Sense of violence’ pervades Jordanian society. Why?

NASEEM TARAWNAH: There have been many small, low-level outbreaks of violence in Jordan over the past year. Taken together these point to a troubled society.

 Alice Hackman

A Word Association Game – Yemen?

A Word Association Game – Yemen?

ALICE HACKMAN: Say ‘Yemen’ to most people in the West and the word ‘terrorism’ comes immediately to mind. But yet this beautiful country has a lot to offer.