Syria News Wire

Sectarianism: The ‘Elephant in the Room’ in Syria

Sectarianism: The ‘Elephant in the Room’ in Syria

NEWS FROM SYRIA: There have been a series of assassinations in Syria over the past week which have borne comparison with the sectarian vendettas that still beset neighbouring Iraq.

 Crossroads Arabia

Saudi Elections: What Exactly Was the Point?

Saudi Elections: What Exactly Was the Point?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: This was the election before ‘the Big One’ – the 2015 Municipal Elections where women can vote and stand for office. So was it a damp squib, as some have suggested?

 Crossroads Arabia

How 9/11 Forced Change in Saudi Arabia

How 9/11 Forced Change in Saudi Arabia

CROSSROADS ARABIA: When Saudi awoke, it acted decisively. Its war against Al-Qaeda was successful in driving the group out of the Kingdom, though at some cost.

 Juan Cole

Democracy: More Valued by Arabs than Americans?

Democracy: More Valued by Arabs than Americans?

JUAN COLE: Al Qaeda’s vision for the Arab World has been comprehensively rejected. It appears that Arabs – in particular, young Arabs – are prepared to put their lives on the line, not for a Caliphate, but for parliamentary democracy.

 Chris Keeler

Is Syria Set to Become ‘the new Libya’?

Is Syria Set to Become ‘the new Libya’?

CHRIS KEELER: Non-violent protest appears to be nearing its end in Syria and there are signs that groups are organising an armed resistance against the regime.

 Ramzy Baroud

Libya & NATO: “To the Victor the Spoils”?

Libya & NATO: “To the Victor the Spoils”?

RAMZY BAROUD: The intervention by NATO in Libya was driven by clear, strategic political and economic interests. Their aims are unlikely, however, to be in the best interests of the Libyan people.

 The Moor Next Door

Libya and the U.S.: America’s Uncomfortable Role

Libya and the U.S.: America’s Uncomfortable Role

THE MOORE NEXT DOOR: The incentive to exaggerate America’s role is high on one side; the opposite push to down play its overall relevance will grow.

 James M. Dorsey

Damage limitation: China and Russia’s Options

Damage limitation: China and Russia’s Options

JAMES M. DORSEY: China and Russia could quietly establish relations with Syrian protesters if and when Mr. Assad is forced to relinquish power.

 James M. Dorsey

Libya: MidEast Model or Revolution To Go Awry?

Libya: MidEast Model or Revolution To Go Awry?

JAMES M. DORSEY: Libyans unlike Egyptians and Tunisians will be in a position to dismantle the former regime’s apparatus.

 Juan Cole

Iraq: The Deafening Sound of Silence on Syria

Iraq: The Deafening Sound of Silence on Syria

JUAN COLE: It looks as if Tehran has leaned on Nouri al-Maliki to keep shtum about the ongoing protests in Syria. Washington won’t be happy.

 Ramzy Baroud

Gazans Respond Generously to Somali Disaster

Gazans Respond Generously to Somali Disaster

RAMZY BAROUD: There has been much criticism of the paltry response by the Muslim world to the famine in Somalia. Gazans show the way forward.

 Ramzy Baroud

The Shifting, Complex Narratives that are Syria

The Shifting, Complex Narratives that are Syria

RAMZY BAROUD: There is no simple linear reading of the events that have overwhelmed Syria in recent months. The country is deeply embroiled in so many vital, strategic regional issues.

 David Roberts

The Dangerous Spiral in Kuwait Iraq Relations

The Dangerous Spiral in Kuwait Iraq Relations

DAVID ROBERTS: There seems to be little attention paid to the continuing worsening in relations between Kuwait and Iraq. That may change as we appear to be entering a downward spiral.

 Common Ground News Service

Arab UK Festival Celebrates Multiculturalism

Arab UK Festival Celebrates Multiculturalism

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: A festival held recently in London brought Arabs and non-Arabs together to reflect upon and celebrate true mutliculturalism.

 Naseem Tarawnah

‘At least we’re not…’ Jordanians Compare Poorly

‘At least we’re not…’ Jordanians Compare Poorly

NASEEM TARAWNAH: We Jordanians have a problem. We’re always comparing ourselves to others but using the worst of the region as our benchmark.

 Michael J. Totten

First Impressions Again: An American Re-visits Cairo

First Impressions Again: An American Re-visits Cairo

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: It’s my first trip back to the ‘Capital of the Arab World’ for a while and though much remains as ever there have been striking changes since the revolution.

 Ramzy Baroud

Odds Stacked Against Peaceful Change in Yemen

Odds Stacked Against Peaceful Change in Yemen

RAMZY BAROUD: A brutal crackdown, a divided opposition and U.S regional strategic interests are the principal obstacles to democratic change in Yemen. A tough call then.


Three Books That WON’T Help You Understand Iraq

Three Books That WON’T Help You Understand Iraq

M. LYNX-QUALEY: It’s one of those lists again. You know it’s designed to gain a reaction and you can’t help yourself so here I go with my reaction to books on Iraq.

 Juan Cole

Top Ten Mistakes of the Libyan ‘Intervention’

Top Ten Mistakes of the Libyan ‘Intervention’

JUAN COLE: I believe it’s legal but that doesn’t mean that the West’s military intervention in Libya has been wisely handled.


‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

‘Live Long and Prosper’: My Message to Region

LEONAR NIMOY, TABSIR: There is a viable plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It’s the ‘two-state’ solution and its application is, how should I put it, simply logical.

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