Added on 17/11/2012
Common Ground News Service
Arabs , Movies , United Kingdom

DINA MAGDY, CGNEWS: The London MENA Film Festival provided a welcome release from easy stereotype and news headlines which too easily define Arabs in Western eyes.
Added on 06/10/2012
Abu Muhammed
Arabian Peninsula , Arabs , Economy , Fifa World Cup , Gulf Arab , Middle East , Norway , program director , Racism , Riyadh , SAR , Saudi Arabia , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States

ABU MOHAMMED: Skin colour, according to Jesse Jackson, conferred a significant financial benefit. Is the same true in the Arab World?
Added on 27/08/2012
Common Ground News Service
America , Arabs , Beirut , Brazil , Canada , Food and Drink , France , Immigration , Nada Akl , Paris , United States

NADA AKL: How to stay connected and yet integrate with your new community – it’s a balancing act that many young immigrants are successfully negotiating
Added on 30/07/2012
Abu Muhammed
Africa , America , Arab Spring , Arabian Peninsula , Arabs , Congo , Gandhi , Gulf Arab , Gulf council , India , Indonesia , Kansas , Middle East , Oil wealth , Palestinian Territories , South Africa , Supreme Court , UAE , UN Court , United States

‘In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute.’ Thurgood Marshall A recent article on the Al Jazeera News website by Sudha G. Tilak titled Whitening Cream: Fair deal for India’s Women? —took me back to the days growing up black in the US; years before the hay days of […]
Added on 11/10/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Ankara , Arabs , Bahrain , Bar Ilan University , Bulgaria , Davos , Egypt , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Germany , Hamas , Iran , Israel , Istanbul , Mediterranean coast , President , Prime Minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Russia , Shimon Peres , Syria , Tel Aviv , Tourism , Tunisia , Turkey , United Kingdom , United Nations , World Economic Forum

ROB L. WAGNER: Shopkeepers easily transition from Turkish to Russian, Polish and German. Yet Hebrew, once among the languages, is virtually non-existent.
Added on 14/07/2011
Common Ground News Service
Arabs , Beirut , Dubai , Greece , Iraq , Lebanon , London , Multiculturalism , Nada Akl , Poland , Portugal , Salman Rushdie , School of Oriental and African Studies , Sweden , United Kingdom

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: A festival held recently in London brought Arabs and non-Arabs together to reflect upon and celebrate true mutliculturalism.
Added on 10/03/2011
Ramzy Baroud , Arabs , Baghdad , Basra , British government , Civil society , Egypt , Facebook , Gaza , George W. Bush , internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor , Iraq , Jerusalem , Kirkuk , Libya , London , Middle East , Mosul , , Palestinian Territories , Pluto Press , Tunisia , Twitter , United Kingdom , United States ,

RAMZY BAROUD: Arabs are ripping up the humiliating caricatures of the region imposed by the West, as they tear down authoritarian regimes, and begin to build truly civilized, and free societies.
Added on 23/12/2010
David Rosen
Arabs , Common Ground News Service , Israel , Palestinian Territories , Rabbi , Racism

RABBI DAVID ROSEN: Eliahu claims to have “evidence” that Islamist forces are providing money for Arabs to buy up property to promote an Arab demographic takeover of the country.