Added on 28/01/2012
Juan Cole
Alan Grayson , America , Benjamin Netanyahu , Binyamin Netanyahu , Department of State , Egypt , Fatah , Florida , Food and Drink , France , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Germany , Governor , Haifa , Hamas , Hannah Arendt , Iran , Iraq , Israel , Israeli army , Italy , Jerusalem , League of Nations , Lebanon , Likud Party , Middle East , Mitt Romney , Newt Gingrich , Obama , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Palestine Liberation Organization , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Republican Party , Romney , Sheldon Adelson , Syria , Tel Aviv , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JUAN COLE: The maths speaks for itself – a country of 7.5 million people is surrounded by 400 others with whom it seems to be at constant odds.
Added on 11/04/2011
David Roberts
Abdullah , Abdullah II , Bahrain , Bahrain’s government , Doha , gas field , Gulf Co-operation Council , Gulf News , Hizballah , Iran , Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Jordan , Josh Rogin , Kuwait , Kuwait Times , League of Nations , Levant , Muscat , oil fields , Oman , Qatar , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Saudi government , Shia , Spy , Tehran , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom

DAVID ROBERTS: These events take place in the context of growing Shia power, encapsulated by the notion of a Shia crescent ‘enveloping’ the region…