Common Ground News Service

What Has Peres Done to Merit Medal of Freedom?

What Has Peres Done to Merit Medal of Freedom?

MIKO PELED, MONDOWEISS: When it comes to Shimon Peres there’s a great struggle to see how he has advanced freedom in the Middle East in any way.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Gender Parity’: Major Strides Being Made in Algeria

‘Gender Parity’: Major Strides Being Made in Algeria

N. HAFID, CGNEWS: Women now make up almost a third of deputies to the Algerian parliament, up from 8 percent five years ago.

 Ramzy Baroud

Syrian Sectarianism Threat to Wider Region

Syrian Sectarianism Threat to Wider Region

RAMZY BAROUD: The recent massacre of civilians in Syria marks the beginning of a spiral of horror which could engulf the whole region

 Crossroads Arabia

The ‘Five Red Lines’ Saudis Must Not Cross

The ‘Five Red Lines’ Saudis Must Not Cross

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The President of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice delivers a pep talk.

 Common Ground News Service

Is Turkey Really the Right Model for Egypt?

Is Turkey Really the Right Model for Egypt?

MUSTAFA ANDELHALIM, CGNEWS: Egypt is creating its own narrative. There are lessons to be learned from Turkey but it’s not a complete solution

 Juan Cole

Ten Good Reasons NOT To Arm Syrian Rebels

Ten Good Reasons NOT To Arm Syrian Rebels

JUAN COLE: Mitt Romney is flip-flopping on whether ‘Muslims Are Bad’ or that the U.S should supply them with sophisticated weapons.

 Editor, MEP

Qatar 2022: Villaggio Tragedy Adds to Critic Arsenal

Qatar 2022: Villaggio Tragedy Adds to Critic Arsenal

JAMES DORSEY: Critics are asserting Qatari building standards are shoddy and cast doubt on the safety standards of stadiums…

 Ramzy Baroud

Starving and Broke: Yemen’s Renewed ‘War on Terror’

Starving and Broke: Yemen’s Renewed ‘War on Terror’

RAMZY BAROUD: The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is largely rooted in the fact that the country is an open field of competing interests…

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Freedom for Freedom’s Sake’: What Binds Arabs

‘Freedom for Freedom’s Sake’: What Binds Arabs

RAMZY BAROUD: Euphoria has given way to hard truth throughout the Arab world. It’s difficult to generalise but there are certain commonalities

 Juan Cole

For Egypt in 2012, Read the United States in ’60s?

For Egypt in 2012, Read the United States in ’60s?

JUAN COLE: The Egyptian electorate seems to have a strong leaning for ‘law and order’. Very similar to the U.S electorate in the 1960s

 James M. Dorsey

Qatar’s Women Athletes Spotlight Religious Differences

Qatar’s Women Athletes Spotlight Religious Differences

JAMES DORSEY: The participation of Qatar’s women athletes opens up differences between it and the Islamic thinking in neighbouring Saudi Arabia.


Iran: It’s War in 2013, Says Former Diplomat

Iran: It’s War in 2013, Says Former Diplomat

IRA GLUNTS, MONDOWEISS: War, according to Aaron Miller, is inevitable unless something extraordinary happens in the next year.

 Common Ground News Service

‘Turkey Is Our Model State’, Say Egyptians In Survey

‘Turkey Is Our Model State’, Say Egyptians In Survey

LUCY CHUMBLEY, CGNEWS: The role of religion in society is important for Egyptians but not as important as a strong economy.


‘Slaves to Occupation? No!’: ‘Non-Violence? Yes.’

‘Slaves to Occupation? No!’: ‘Non-Violence? Yes.’

MUSTAFA BARGHOUTHI, MONDOWEISS: The recent hunger strike should be a wake up call for Palestinians.

 Juan Cole

‘Give Muslims A Hiroshima’: Pentagon’s Curious Class

‘Give Muslims A Hiroshima’: Pentagon’s Curious Class

JUAN COLE: The Pentagon has launched an investigation into a class on Islam which characterises all Muslims as radical, violent extremists

 Syria News Wire

Red Cross Issues Urgent Appeal On Syria

Red Cross Issues Urgent Appeal On Syria

NEWS FROM SYRIA: The Red Cross issued a rare political statement on Syria to highlight the critical situation facing citizens there.

 Common Ground News Service

Women ‘Taking the Lead’ In Tunisian Politics

Women ‘Taking the Lead’ In Tunisian Politics

SANA SBOUAI, CGNEWS: More than a quarter of deputies to parliament are women. But that only tells part of the story.


Muslim Disillusion Could Cost Obama Dear

Muslim Disillusion Could Cost Obama Dear

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: A multitude of events have piled up and support for Obama is running at an all time low.

 Juan Cole

Romney’s Middle East: So, Who is the Enemy, Mitt?

Romney’s Middle East: So, Who is the Enemy, Mitt?

JUAN COLE: Romney clearly doesn’t have the slightest idea what he is talking about, and seems intent on alienating 1.5 billion Muslims

 Common Ground News Service

Prizes: Nobel Gets Muslim World Right, Pulitzer Doesn’t

Prizes: Nobel Gets Muslim World Right, Pulitzer Doesn’t

DR MUQTEDAR KHAN, CGNEWS: Whatever you think about prizes they help to define an era. Pulitzer judged wrong this year.

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