Added on 02/05/2012
Common Ground News Service
Ankara , Baghdad , Barack Obama , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , Journalism , Kabul , Liberia , Nobel Prize , Oscars , President , Prime Minister , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Tahrir Square , United States , Yemen

DR MUQTEDAR KHAN, CGNEWS: Whatever you think about prizes they help to define an era. Pulitzer judged wrong this year.
Added on 26/02/2012
David Westley
Abu Dhabi , Brunei , Burundi , China , Dubai , Europe , Fifa World Cup , Forbes , Guggenheim , Kuwait , Liberia , Netherlands , Norway , Olympics , Qatar , railway network , Singapore , Switzerland , UAE , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States

ANALYSIS: Qatar has a ‘poor’ Gini index. The Gini index measures how well income is actually divided within a society, the lower the score the better.
Added on 28/12/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Angela Merkel , Bangladesh , Belgium , Chechnya , Egypt , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , Europe , France , India , Inspirational , International Monetary Fund , Kate Middleton , Kuwaiti MP , Liberia , Manal Al Sharif , Nicolas Sarkozy , Obedient Wives Club , Pakistan , President , Prime Minister , princess , Salwa Al Mutairi , Saudi Arabia , Tawakkol Karman , US Federal Reserve , Women , YouTube

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMMED: How could I possibly include all the women who filled our headlines over the past 12 months, for bravery and impact?
Added on 23/10/2011
Shelina Zahra Janmohamed
Africa , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , Liberia , President , The National , United Arab Emirates , Women's issues , Yemen

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: I am sure her award will have detractors who claim that it is a conspiracy to “westernise” Muslim women…
Added on 21/10/2011
Juan Cole
Abu Salim prison , Arab League , Baghdad , Beirut , Brazil , congressman , Egypt , Food and Drink , International Criminal Court , Jim Jones , Jonestown , Liberia , Libya , Mediterranean , Myanmar , North Africa , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama , Oil production , Oil states , Poland , President , Qaddafi , Scotland , Security Council , Sierra Leone , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunisia

JUAN COLE: The demise of Qaddafi means there’s a contiguous bloc of 100 million Arabs who’ve thrown off dictatorship. The violent end was inevitable.
Added on 09/10/2011
Al Qaeda , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ellen Johnson Sirleaf , Foreign media , Islamic party , Liberia , President , social worker , Women , Women's issues , Yemen , Yemeni government

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The award of the Nobel to Tawwakul Karman represents many positive developments not least a shift in the view of Muslim women
Added on 12/09/2011
The Moor Next Door
Benghazi , Burkina Faso , Burundi , Chicago , Civil society , Eileen Byrne , Italy , Journalist , Liberia , Libya , News media , Nicaragua , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , President , Ramadan , Rwanda , Transitional National Council , Tripoli , Tunis , Tunisia , Uganda , United States , Western Libya , Yemen

EILEEN BYRNE, TMND: Now that Qaddafi’s regime has been unseated thoughts of the men who did the fighting are turning to the nation’s immediate priorities.