Francis Matthew

China’s Influence Based on ‘Failure to Engage’

China’s Influence Based on ‘Failure to Engage’

FRANCIS MATTHEW: Arab concerns are largely irrelevant to the Chinese as Beijing looks to reinforce its self-perception as the premier Asian power.

 Common Ground News Service

President Morsi: Some Encouraging First Steps

President Morsi: Some Encouraging First Steps

MANAR AMMAR, CGNEWS: The fear of a deeply divided Egypt is a real one but the first moves of the new President give grounds for cautious optimism

 Rob L. Wagner

Target Lebanon: A ‘Jittery’ Israel Set To Lash Out

Target Lebanon: A ‘Jittery’ Israel Set To Lash Out

ROB L. WAGNER: The changes throughout the Arab world have made Israel very nervous indeed. And a nervous Israel is a dangerous Israel.

 Common Ground News Service

Al Azhar University: The Strong Third Force in Egypt

Al Azhar University: The Strong Third Force in Egypt

COMMON GROUND NEWS: There is much discussion about the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists but there is another significant power in Egypt

 James M. Dorsey

Jordan: A Model For Sports Governance in Region

Jordan: A Model For Sports Governance in Region

JAMES M. DORSEY: The success of the Jordanian Football Association is causing other sporting bodies to sit up and take notice.

 Common Ground News Service

Egyptian Women ‘Fighting Hard’ For Rights

Egyptian Women ‘Fighting Hard’ For Rights

RANDA EL TAHAWY, CGNEWS: Women across the political spectrum in Egypt are refusing to be sidelined or misrepresented.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Arab Solidarity with Palestine’: In Name Only?

‘Arab Solidarity with Palestine’: In Name Only?

RAMZY BAROUD: The authorities in every Arab country are expected to express solidarity with the plight of the Palestinians. Is it just nice noise?

 Rob L. Wagner

Morsi’s Election: The Opportunity for the U.S.

Morsi’s Election: The Opportunity for the U.S.

ROB L. WAGNER: There’s no doubt that alarm bells were ringing in Washington with the news of Morsi’s election. It does, though, present an opportunity


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire


Cultural Elite Fear the Worst in the ‘New Egypt’

Cultural Elite Fear the Worst in the ‘New Egypt’

M. LYNX-QUALEY: At the unveiling of Egypt’s most prestigious cultural awards there was a pervasive feeling of fear at what’s to come

 Juan Cole

Morsi’s To Do List: Egypt’s ‘Top Five’ Priorities

Morsi’s To Do List: Egypt’s ‘Top Five’ Priorities

JUAN COLE: The economic and social challenges facing Egypt today are immense. With the right approach, however, Muhammad Mursi can make real change happen

 Editor, MEP

Egypt Celebrates as Morsi Declared Winner

VIDEO, AL JAZEERA: The Muslim Brotherhood’s Morsi has officially won Egypt’s presidential election and will be the country’s next president. Not everyone is happy.

 Juan Cole

Morsi Wins: Is Now The Rise of a Pluralist Egypt?

Morsi Wins: Is Now The Rise of a Pluralist Egypt?

JUAN COLE: One problem for Mursi is mollifying the Egyptians who are terrified of him, fearing he wants to turn their fun-loving country into a grim Saudi Arabia.

 Editor, MEP

Has Egypt’s Revolution Been Hijacked?

VIDEO, AL JAZEERA: Egypt’s army, the SCAF, has amended the constitution to retain control and make the President’s largely ceremonial…


‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’: But Where Are They?

‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’: But Where Are They?

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Wherever you look around the Middle East there is conflict, death and horror. Where is our Ghandi?

 Editor, MEP

SCAF’s Dangerous Game: Testing the Limits

SCAF’s Dangerous Game: Testing the Limits

JUAN COLE: You find it hard to escape the conclusion that the SCAF aren’t being very bright, and are unaware of how perilous their path is.

 Rob L. Wagner

Romney’s Middle East Team: Same Old, Same Old

Romney’s Middle East Team: Same Old, Same Old

ROB L. WAGNER: If Mitt Romney wins the U.S. presidential election it looks like we’ll be taking a trip back in time to the reign of George W. Bush.

 Richard Silverstein

Sheldon Adelson: Buying Politics, and U.S. Allegiance to Israel

Sheldon Adelson: Buying Politics, and U.S. Allegiance to Israel

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” Sheldon Adelson may not have breasts, but he sure has the money and the power.


Virtue in the Kingdom: Profile of New President

Virtue in the Kingdom: Profile of New President

AHMED AL OMRAN: The new President of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has his work cut out.

 Juan Cole

Conspiracy: The Irrational Fear That Drives SCAF

Conspiracy: The Irrational Fear That Drives SCAF

JUAN COLE: There seems to be no rational explanation why SCAF has moved now against parliament. That leaves only the irrational.

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