Added on 17/02/2014
Ariel Sharon , Daniella Weiss , Gush Emunim , Israel , Israeli settlers , Israeli-occupied territories , Israeli–Palestinian conflict , Jewish religious terrorism , Jewish Underground , Jews , John Kerry , Knesset , Meir Kahane , Minister , Moshe Levinger , Nachala , Politics , Price tag policy , Underground

ALISON DEGER, MONDOWEISS: Her audience of giggling teenagers seemed blissfully unaware of Daniella Weiss’s dark past.
Added on 21/02/2013
Common Ground News Service
Arab citizens of Israel , Arab Jews , Asia , Israel , Israeli Jews , Israeli society , Jewish ethnic groups , Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries , Jews , King , Middle East , Mohammed , Moroccan Jews , Morocco , Politics , Religion/Belief , Semitic peoples

ADINA FRIEDMAN: The richness of Morocco’s Jewish history comes as a surprise to many but it could provide a template for the region.
Added on 03/02/2013
Steve Royston
Adolf Hitler , Amin Husseini , Antisemitism , Discrimination , Fathi Shihab Eddin , Germany , Holocaust denial , Israel , Jewish history , Jews , Josef Stalin , Middle East , Palestinian Territories , Politics , Religion , Religion and politics , Responsibility for the Holocaust , Sociology , The Holocaust , United Kingdom , United States , Zionism

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s not just the Second World War that has been warped by teachers, politicians and others for their own purposes.
Added on 08/08/2012
Jonathan Cook
Al Qaeda , Amira Hass , Ariel Sharon , Army , Avigdor Lieberman , Ben Gurion University , Benedict XVI , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bethlehem , central Israel , Christmas , Civil Administration , councillor , David Ben Gurion , Easter , Electricity , Ethiopia , first prime minister , Foreign media , Gaza , geographer , George W. Bush , Germany , God , Haifa , Haifa University , High Court , Housing Minister , Human Rights Association , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli government , Israeli parliament , Israeli police , Israel’s military , Jaffa , Jerusalem , Jesus , Jewish National Fund , Jews , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , London , Media coverage , military governor , Nazareth , Negev , Oslo , Palestinian Territories , President , Prime Minister , Rabbi , Rabin , Rubber bullets , Russia , Sea of Galilee , Security services , Shimon Gapso , Shin Bet , Somalia , Soviet Union , Syria , Tel Aviv , United Nations , United States , West Bank

JONATHAN COOK: … Expropriations would become a staple of life over the next three decades as more than 70 per cent of the land belonging to Palestinians was nationalized
Added on 05/11/2011
Rob L. Wagner
Anti-blasphemy law , Censorship , Charlie Hebdo , Christianity , Ennahda Party , France , Free speech , hate speech , Hijab , Islam , Islamophobia , Jews , Mainstream media , Media , Muslims , News media , Newspapers , Organization of Islamic Cooperation , Prophet Muhammad , Tunisian elections

ROB L. WAGNER: Charlie Hebdo’s editors abuse the privilege of being journalists. Their behavior strengthens the argument anti blasphemy laws are necessary