Common Ground News Service

‘New Egypt’ Seen Afresh By An American Student

‘New Egypt’ Seen Afresh By An American Student

LEE ANN HOLTSCHULTE, CGNEWS: I’d booked the trip many months before the revolution so you can imagine that I treated my trip to Egypt in March with a little trepidation. It was an inspiring visit.

 Steve Royston

Thoughts On Blogging – How to Start, And Why?

Thoughts On Blogging – How to Start, And Why?

STEVE ROYSTON: You could say that I’ve now entered my next career. Not a hobby – because I do earn money – but an activity entirely under my control, and in which money is not the prime motivation.

 Ramzy Baroud

For the love of Egypt: Why Besieged Gazans Danced in the Street

For the love of Egypt: Why Besieged Gazans Danced in the Street

RAMZY BAROUD: The lives of the people of Gaza have been deeply entwined with Egypt since the Palestinian Nakba of 1948. In spite of their current plight Gazans have been riveted and inspired by recent events in Egypt.

 Naseem Tarawnah

The Day My World Was Turned Upside Down

The Day My World Was Turned Upside Down

NASEEM TARAWNAH: I joined the March 24th group’s sit-in with little expectation. What I witnessed has changed my view of my homeland.

 Ramzy Baroud

Time for Hamas to Rethink Charter, Offer Hope

Time for Hamas to Rethink Charter, Offer Hope

RAMZY BAROUD: Hamas should now re-think its charter of 1988, which will always be used in the interests of those seeking to discount Hamas’ credibility.

 Rachel McArthur

Egypt Celebs Say No, Will they Convince Others?

Egypt Celebs Say No, Will they Convince Others?

RACHEL MCARTHUR: Public figures and celebrities are using their fame not only to encourage the public to vote, but to push for them to vote “no”.

 Mishaal Al Gergawi

Bahrain in the Balance: How Did it Come to This?

Bahrain in the Balance: How Did it Come to This?

MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: Failure to engage in dialogue will prolong the political stalemate, lead to further radicalisation on both sides.


Five ‘Must Read’ Biographies from the Arab World

Five ‘Must Read’ Biographies from the Arab World

M.LYNX-QUALEY: It’s almost impossible to choose just five ‘must read’ biographies from the Arab world. When asked to do so I managed to limit it to six.

 Juan Cole

MidEast Protesters Target Unfinished Business

MidEast Protesters Target Unfinished Business

JUAN COLE: Progress has been made, but across the Middle East protesters are pushing for governments to follow through on the demands they have made.

 Editor, MEP

Comment on Logan Assault a Symptom of Mubarak’s Egypt by Simone

Ken, the day we have journalists and news organisations that put safety before getting reporters on the ground, is the day we are all screwed. Yes, be calculated in risks, but the world would never have known what happened in Tahrir square, or anywhere…

 Steve Royston

What’s Needed for Democracy in the GCC

What’s Needed for Democracy in the GCC

STEVE ROYSTON: This post is more than a five-minute read. I apologise, but I don’t apologise: Sometimes you need more than a few hundred words.

 Parastou Hassouri

Logan Assault a Symptom of Mubarak’s Egypt

Logan Assault a Symptom of Mubarak’s Egypt

PARASTOU HASSOURI: Sexual Harassment, including the assault on Lara Logan, is a result of patriarchal attitudes coupled with stifled dialogue…


Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Fine words in Cairo almost two years ago are forgotten when the Israeli lobby makes a call for a vote on illegal West Bank settlements…


Tahrir and The ‘Liberation’ of Arabic Literature

Tahrir and The ‘Liberation’ of Arabic Literature

M.LYNX QUALEY: “We had a psychological barrier – what I call ‘the policeman inside us’. That policeman was killed” on Tahrir Square.”

 Steve Royston

Bahrain: Retaining Reason in a Battle of Emotions

Bahrain: Retaining Reason in a Battle of Emotions

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s 4am. Outside my window there’s a full moon , the harbinger of madness. Cocks are crowing and the thak-thak-thak of nearby helicopters has woken me.

 Ramzy Baroud

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

RAMZY BAROUD: The revolution has restored power to the people, an experience many of us will always remember with pride, and a few with fear.


Regarding Lara Logan: Don’t Let it Stain Tahrir

Regarding Lara Logan: Don’t Let it Stain Tahrir

ZEINOBIA: I know the racists of the right will jump on the bandwagon. That’s started already, we have been called “the country of savages”.

 Common Ground News Service

A Message for the Region: Non-violence works

A Message for the Region: Non-violence works

MICHAEL NAGLER: Too little has been made of the measured, disciplined, non-violent approach of the majority of the Egyptian protestors. It’s an approach that is likely to pay substantial dividends.

 Crossroads Arabia

Paper View: Arab Media at a Turning Point

Paper View: Arab Media at a Turning Point

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The passion for journalism remains, but today’s younger generation of aspiring journalists would be more picky as to where they would work…

 Steve Royston

Egypt: A Role Model for the ‘Have Nots’

Egypt: A Role Model for the ‘Have Nots’

STEVE ROYSTON: Regional fallout from the events in Tunisia and Egypt is expected. But other countries around the world have been watching.