Added on 14/05/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Beijing , Beijing Olympics , Beit Hanoun , Egypt , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Israeli army , London , Long-Distance Runner , Nabil al-Arabi , Olympics , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , President , the Associated Press , United Nations , United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
The Spirit of Freedom that Drives Gaza’s Long-Distance Runner
RAMZY BAROUD: Nader al-Masri sporting deeds reflect the stubborness and perseverance of the Gazan people.
Added on 02/04/2011
Ramzy Baroud
Army , Beit Hanoun , Cairo , Camp David , Egypt , Egyptian army , Farouk , Gamal Abdel Nasser , Gaza , Gaza Strip , Hosni Mubarak , Israel , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , President , Sinai , Tahrir Square
For the love of Egypt: Why Besieged Gazans Danced in the Street
RAMZY BAROUD: The lives of the people of Gaza have been deeply entwined with Egypt since the Palestinian Nakba of 1948. In spite of their current plight Gazans have been riveted and inspired by recent events in Egypt.
Added on 27/11/2010
Jonathan Cook
Al Jazeera , Al-Aqsa , Albania , America , Amira Hass , Anti-Defamation League , Army , Associated Press , Association of Civil Rights in Israel , BBC , Beit Hanoun , Benjamin Netanyahu , Bil'in , Bill Keller , Brian Avery , British government , Camp David , Censorship , Chris McGreal , CNN , Congress , Easter , Emily Henochowicz , English channel , Ethan Bronner , Europe , European Union , Food and Drink , Foreign media , Furkan Dogan , Gaza , Gideon Levy , Haaretz , International Solidarity Movement , Iran , Israel , Israeli army , Israeli government , Israeli Military Strength , Israeli police , James Miller , Jericho , Jerusalem , Joel Greenberg , Jordan , Journalist , Lebanon , Liberia , London , Mainstream media , Media , Media organizations , Media watchdog , Middle East , Military hardware , Mohammed Omer , Nablus , New Israel Fund , New Statesman , New York , News media , Nicaragua , Nilin , Northern Ireland , Online community , Palestinian Authority , Palestinian Territories , political adviser , public editor , Qassam rocket , Qatar , Rachel Corrie , Ramallah , Reporters Without Borders , Reporting , Reuters , Richard Goldstone , Richard Silverstein , Shin Bet , South Africa , Sunday Times , Tear gas , The Anti-Defamation League , The Guardian , The New York Times , The Times , The Washington Post , Tibet , Tom Hurndall , U.S. Congress , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States , US Federal Reserve , Washington , Washington Post , West Bank , White House
Publish it Not – Israel and the Sultans of Spin
JONATHAN COOK: Most freelancers forced into this position would either have learned to tailor their reporting to what was expected by the news desks or have headed off to another conflict zone. I stayed…