Added on 14/04/2012
Addis Ababa , Cairo , Chile , Denmark , Edward Said , Egypt , future president , Hamlet , Ibrahim Jabra , India , Kenya , Latin America , Literature , Nasser , Omar Sharif , Oxford , Sadat , South Asia , Stalin , Syria , Tanzania , West Africa , Yusuf al-Qaradawi

HUSSEIN OMAR, ARABLIT: Nasser had a ‘Caesar Complex’ but for Egyptians and many other Arabs there’s only one Shakespearean hero.
Added on 29/05/2011
Common Ground News Service
Bahrain , Chile , Democracy , Gandhi , India , Lisa Schirch , Middle East , Pakistan , Peshawar , South Africa , Syria

ALI GOHAR, LISA SCHIRCH, CGNEWS: Drawing on Islamic and tribal teachings Bacha Khan headed a non-violent ‘army’ in India in the 1920s.
Added on 12/02/2011
Steve Royston
Algeria , Argentina , Brazil , Chile , China , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egyptian army , guard , Guatemala , Indonesia , Iran , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Middle East , Pakistan , President , South Korea , Tahrir Square , Thailand , Tunisia

STEVE ROYSTON: Regional fallout from the events in Tunisia and Egypt is expected. But other countries around the world have been watching.
Added on 20/01/2011
James M. Dorsey
2014 World Cup , 2022 World Cup , Abu Dhabi , Chile , Costa Rica , Dubai , Europe , FIFA , Fifa World Cup , Football , Ghana , Golf , Macedonia , Middle East , New Zealand , Peru , President , Qatar , Russia , Soccer , Tunisia , Turkey , UEFA , United Arab Emirates , Wales , Zine el Abidine Ben Ali

JAMES M. DORSEY: Middle Eastern nations are competing to stack up successful bids to host major soccer events in an effort to position themselves as regional hubs for sport.