Mich Cafe

Rape: The Culture of Impunity That Exists in Syria

Rape: The Culture of Impunity That Exists in Syria

MICH CAFE: The catalogue of brutal rapes and sexual assaults of women, men and children grows by the day. A new documentary makes grim viewing

 James M. Dorsey

Qatar 2022: Report Puts Focus on Worker’s Rights

Qatar 2022: Report Puts Focus on Worker’s Rights

JAMES M. DORSEY: The publication of a new report examining worker conditions in Qatar ups the ante for the authorities.


Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

Democracy: U.S. Speaks With a ‘Forked Tongue’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Fine words in Cairo almost two years ago are forgotten when the Israeli lobby makes a call for a vote on illegal West Bank settlements…