Added on 20/02/2011
America , Barack Obama , Cairo , Civil society , Elliott Abrams , Hillary Clinton , Human Rights Watch , Israel , Jennifer Rubin , Mahmoud Abbas , Middle East , Obama , Obama administration , Palestine , Palestinian Authority , Peace , President , Sarah Leah Whitson , Secretary of State , Security Council , Susan Rice , Tahrir Square , U.S. Congress , United Nations , United States , Washington , West Bank
PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: Fine words in Cairo almost two years ago are forgotten when the Israeli lobby makes a call for a vote on illegal West Bank settlements…
Added on 15/02/2011
Bush Administration , Democracy , Egypt , Elliott Abrams , George W. Bush , Iraq , Jordan , Middle East , Ministry of Information , President , Saudi Arabia , The Washington Post , Tunisia , United States , Yemen
DAVID SAMEL, MONDOWEISS: It will seem outrageous to Egyptians who risked life in pursuit of democracy but, according to U.S. neo-cons, they owe a debt to the former President.