James M. Dorsey

Blatter Hints FIFA May Investigate Qatar Bid

Blatter Hints FIFA May Investigate Qatar Bid

JAMES M. DORSEY: There’s resentment against Qatar hosting the WC because its riches allowed it to spend far more than its competitors

 Ramzy Baroud

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

RAMZY BAROUD: The revolution has restored power to the people, an experience many of us will always remember with pride, and a few with fear.

 Crossroads Arabia

“Après Moi, le Déluge.” What lies post Mubarak?

“Après Moi, le Déluge.” What lies post Mubarak?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: The big question, of course, is ‘After Mubarak, what?’ I’m sure Mubarak feels, as did Louis XV, Après moi, le déluge.