Added on 31/07/2011
James M. Dorsey
2018 World Cup , 2022 World Cup , Asian Football Confederation , Caribbean Football Union , FIFA , Fifa World Cup , Henry Kissinger , Portugal , Qatar , Russia , Secretary of State , Spain , United Kingdom , United States
Blatter Hints FIFA May Investigate Qatar Bid
JAMES M. DORSEY: There’s resentment against Qatar hosting the WC because its riches allowed it to spend far more than its competitors
Added on 18/02/2011
Ramzy Baroud , Anwar Sadat , Bill Clinton , Cairo , Camp David , Central Intelligence Agency , Egypt , Egyptian army , Gaza , Hamas , Henry Kissinger , Hosni Mubarak , internationally-syndicated columnist and the editor , Iraq , Israel , Israeli army , London , Middle East , Military hardware , National Democratic Party , Omar Suleiman , , Palestinian Territories , Pluto Press , President , Tahrir Square , Tehran , United States , Washington ,
From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing
RAMZY BAROUD: The revolution has restored power to the people, an experience many of us will always remember with pride, and a few with fear.
Added on 30/01/2011
Crossroads Arabia
Abdullah , Army , Cell phones , Egypt , Henry Kissinger , Israel , Jeddah , Jordan , Middle East , Mubarak , national government , Omar Suleiman , Sadat , Saudi Arabia , Tunisia , United States , Yemen
“Après Moi, le Déluge.” What lies post Mubarak?
CROSSROADS ARABIA: The big question, of course, is ‘After Mubarak, what?’ I’m sure Mubarak feels, as did Louis XV, Après moi, le déluge.