
“I Eat Kids”: The Meaty Delights of Dubai’s Asado

“I Eat Kids”: The Meaty Delights of Dubai’s Asado

SARAH WALTON: A weak joke with your offspring perhaps but Asado offers some seriously tasty dishes for confirmed carnivores.


The Image That ‘Speaks For’ The Arab Spring?

The Image That ‘Speaks For’ The Arab Spring?

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The World Press Photo of the Year has been revealed. Is it the defining image of the ‘Arab Spring’?

 Steve Royston

How Blogging Can Be Your Company’s Voice

How Blogging Can Be Your Company’s Voice

STEVE ROYSTON: “If you manage to persuade your CEO to write a blog, you’d better make sure he or she writes lively content. Otherwise their blog will have the opposite effect…”

 Steve Royston

Egypt: A Role Model for the ‘Have Nots’

Egypt: A Role Model for the ‘Have Nots’

STEVE ROYSTON: Regional fallout from the events in Tunisia and Egypt is expected. But other countries around the world have been watching.


Egypt to Usher in Brave New World the U.S. will find harder to Control

Egypt to Usher in Brave New World the U.S. will find harder to Control

PHYLLIS BENNIS, MONDOWEISS: Do the principles on which the U.S. was founded apply to more than 300 million Arabs?

 James M. Dorsey

Money Talks: Qatar’s WC Bid Fits SWF Strategy

Money Talks: Qatar’s WC Bid Fits SWF Strategy

JAMES M. DORSEY: Flush with cash, Qatar spared no cost in its campaign to win the bid the World Cup. But are there ethical questions here?