Francis Matthew

Prosperity Has Changed Us – Governments Need to Adapt

Prosperity Has Changed Us – Governments Need to Adapt

FRANCIS MATTHEW: The real political drivers today are not heads of government or ideologies. Despite the politician’s speeches, what really drives change is society itself.

 Steve Royston

‘How to Follow’: What Education Should Teach Us

‘How to Follow’: What Education Should Teach Us

STEVE ROYSTON: We’re all taught to aspire to the highest levels in whatever discipline we work but only a tiny percentage reach the stratosphere

 Steve Royston

2012 and Beyond: The Many Reasons to be Both Fearful – and Cheerful

2012 and Beyond: The Many Reasons to be Both Fearful – and Cheerful

STEVE ROYSTON looks at the arts, society, education, politics, business, technology and the environment as we move into 2012, the Year of Fear’.


Saudi Schizo: Votes One Day, Lashes the Next

Saudi Schizo: Votes One Day, Lashes the Next

LAYLAH: The decision to allow Saudi women to vote is truly historic. A pity that celebration was interrupted by a very strange announcement.

 Abu Muhammed

Saudi Maternity: Good Business, Bad Medicine?

Saudi Maternity: Good Business, Bad Medicine?

ABU MUHAMMED: I am told that some hospitals and clinics with birthing centers have good reputations in Saudi, but it only takes one to spoil the barrel…


Regarding Lara Logan: Don’t Let it Stain Tahrir

Regarding Lara Logan: Don’t Let it Stain Tahrir

ZEINOBIA: I know the racists of the right will jump on the bandwagon. That’s started already, we have been called “the country of savages”.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Snowman Theft and the Loss of Innocence

Snowman Theft and the Loss of Innocence

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMMED: When we lose hope innocence can prevail, and we no longer value the worth of our contributions, that is a cause for communal emergency.