Added on 29/06/2012
Cairo , Energy , Jennifer Sears , Mona Elnamoury , Mona Zaki , Search Engine , United Kingdom

M. LYNX-QUALEY: It’s time to bid a sad adieu to my adopted home town. I hope to be back, though, soon.
Added on 23/05/2011
American Bedu
Al Watan , Google+ , Pennsylvania , Saudi Arabia , Saudi Gazette , Search Engine , United States , Women , Women's issues

AMERICAN BEDU: When Google decided to celebrate dancer Martha Graham’s birthday with an animation little did it understand the furore it would cause in Saudi…
Added on 03/04/2011
Steve Royston , Bahrain , blog site , Blogging , Egypt , Facebook , Fidel Castro , Google+ , Hosni Mubarak , Middle East , Search Engine , search engines , search results , Social Media , Tahrir Square , The Huffington Post , Twitter

STEVE ROYSTON: You could say that I’ve now entered my next career. Not a hobby – because I do earn money – but an activity entirely under my control, and in which money is not the prime motivation.