Added on 20/03/2011
Rachel McArthur
Actor , Actress , Amr Moussa , Amr Salama , Amr Waked , Egypt , Facebook , Mohamed elBaradei , Mona Zaki , Politics , Tahrir Square , YouTube
Egypt Celebs Say No, Will they Convince Others?
RACHEL MCARTHUR: Public figures and celebrities are using their fame not only to encourage the public to vote, but to push for them to vote “no”.
Added on 05/02/2011
Alexandria , Amr Moussa , Amr Waked , Cairo , Citizen Journalism , Democracy , Egypt , Food and Drink , Khaled Youssef , Mainstream media , Mubarak , Muslim Brotherhood , painter
#Jan25, Departure Friday, The View From Tahrir Square
ZEINOBIA: It was bigger than last time and much better organized. People from all backgrounds, classes, ethnicities, religions and political views were and are there.