Added on 28/01/2012
Steve Royston
Apple , Bahrain , Bill Gates , China , David Beckham , Davos , Economics , Egypt , Europe , Fidel Castro , film maker , Glenn Beck , Internal Revenue Service , London , London School of Economics , Malta , Manufacturing , Middle East , Mobile Phones , Qatar , Rome , Saudi Arabia , Switzerland , Tea Party , travel document , United Kingdom , United States , US government , Warren Buffett , Western Europe

The State is the Beast: An Angell on Economics

STEVE ROYSTON: An Angell visited the other day. Not one with wings, but a Welshman with a biting tongue and the rhetorical skills of David Lloyd George.
Added on 17/11/2011
Michael J. Totten
Afghanistan , America , American government , Armin Rosen , Army , Barack Obama , Cairo , CNN , Cuba , Department of State , Egypt , Egyptian army , Fidel Castro , Hosni Mubarak , Iraq , Israel , KGB , Montreal , Muslim Brotherhood , Nasser , policeman , President , Prime Minister , Russia , Sadat , Saddam Hussein , Salafist , Salafists , Saudi Arabia , Taliban , United States

The Real Issues Facing Egypt’s Christians: A Religious Leader Speaks Out

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: Sectarian clashes between Christians and Muslims are increasing daily throughout Egypt. Coptic leaders are understandably cagey…
Added on 13/08/2011
Michael J. Totten
Afghanistan , Al Azhar University , Al Qaeda , Army , autocratic President , Cairo , Civil society , Democracy , Editor-in-Chief , Egypt , Egypt Protests , Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood , Egypt’s Brotherhood , Facebook , Fidel Castro , Free Egypt Party , Gaza , Hamas , Hosni Mubarak , Iran , Journalist , Justice Party , Ku Klux Klan , Libya , Mobile Phones , model , Mohamed El-Baradei , Mohammad Adel , Mona , Mubarak's government , Muslim Brotherhood , Omar Suleiman , Osama Bin Laden , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tahrir Square , Taliban , Turkey , United States , United States government , Washington , West Bank

Ex Brotherhood Members Speak Out

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: What exactly is the Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘game-plan’ for Egypt? One way of finding out is to talk to former loyalists…
Added on 03/04/2011
Steve Royston , Bahrain , blog site , Blogging , Egypt , Facebook , Fidel Castro , Google+ , Hosni Mubarak , Middle East , Search Engine , search engines , search results , Social Media , Tahrir Square , The Huffington Post , Twitter

Thoughts On Blogging – How to Start, And Why?

STEVE ROYSTON: You could say that I’ve now entered my next career. Not a hobby – because I do earn money – but an activity entirely under my control, and in which money is not the prime motivation.