Common Ground News Service

The Fear Business: Listening & Speaking Break Cycle

ARIEL KATZ, CGNEWS: It’s much easier to attack ‘the other’ when you don’t hear their stories and don’t see their pain.


Of Jesus, Smith and Elvis: The Prophet Issue

Of Jesus, Smith and Elvis: The Prophet Issue

‘DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s a shtick that gets trotted out in editorial conferences at this time of year and occasionally editors buy it. ‘So who’s the real Jesus?’

 Common Ground News Service

Hummus: The Tasty ‘Glue’ That Binds Jerusalemites

Hummus: The Tasty ‘Glue’ That Binds Jerusalemites

NATASHA TYNES, CGNEWS: Two chefs from Jerusalem – one Muslim, one Jewish – have produced a book that celebrates the food of this divided city.

 Richard Silverstein

What Meshal’s Visit Really Means for the Future

What Meshal’s Visit Really Means for the Future

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: The words were predictably fiery and pugnacious but Meshal’s visit points to a new direction for Palestine.

 mai abdul rahman

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

UN Palestinian Vote Heralds ‘Birth of New World Order’

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s not just the scale of the victory but it’s what it tells us about a new, emerging world order that is important.


This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

This Silence on Zionism is ‘Deafening and Damaging’

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: If you want to understand what’s happening in Palestine/Israel it’s essential to understand Zionism. Where is it mentioned though?

 Juan Cole

The Top Ten ‘Hotspots’ in the Arab World Today

The Top Ten ‘Hotspots’ in the Arab World Today

JUAN COLE: From Jordan to Tunisia, from civil war to pilfered Palestinian land the Arab world is in a febrile state.

 mai abdul rahman

The PLO’s UN Bid Will ‘Change the Political Landscape’

The PLO’s UN Bid Will ‘Change the Political Landscape’

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: It’s a date laden with meaning and today another chapter will be written in Palestinian history – a chapter that is a potential game-changer.

 Juan Cole

The Ten ‘To Dos’ That Will Guarantee Gaza Ceasefire

The Ten ‘To Dos’ That Will Guarantee Gaza Ceasefire

JUAN COLE: Achieving a ceasefire is significant but if it’s to remain in place all parties must use the gap in hostilities to secure real progress.

 mai abdul rahman

‘Ethical Code of the Hunter’: Not Applicable To Gaza

‘Ethical Code of the Hunter’: Not Applicable To Gaza

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: There are so many agendas at play in Gaza today but one of them undeniably is the opportunity to showcase – and sell – weapons.

 Mich Cafe

The ‘Immortal Olive Tree’: Part of Every Palestinian

The ‘Immortal Olive Tree’: Part of Every Palestinian

MICH CAFE: More than 7,500 olive trees belonging to Palestinians were damaged or destroyed last year by Israeli settlers. A well-thought through assault

 Jonathan Cook

Annexation: Israeli Tourist Map Reveals Blueprint

Annexation: Israeli Tourist Map Reveals Blueprint

JONATHAN COOK: A visit to an Israeli tourist office in Nazareth uncovered a little more than I had expected.

 mai abdul rahman

‘No’ To Democracy, ‘Yes’ To Racism. What Hope for Israel?

‘No’ To Democracy, ‘Yes’ To Racism. What Hope for Israel?

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: A recently released survey makes deeply disturbing reading. But the reasons are not difficult to find. Both Israelis and Palestinians are fighting back.


There’ll Never Be a ‘Right’ President for Palestine

There’ll Never Be a ‘Right’ President for Palestine

NADIA HIJAB, TABSIR: Palestinians have finally realised that they themselves will determine their own fate not some idealised notion of a U.S President.

 Common Ground News Service

What Is the Point of the Palestinian Authority?

What Is the Point of the Palestinian Authority?

DAWOUD ABU LEBDEH, CGNEWS: Its role is minimal compared to that envisaged in the Oslo Accords. Faced with a threat to its existence what should PA do?

 James M. Dorsey

Defensive Blunder: Hamas’ Football Boycott Call

Defensive Blunder: Hamas’ Football Boycott Call

JAMES M. DORSEY: Palestinians of all ages are huge fans of the Spanish football giants Barcelona FC. When Hamas called for a boycott of their match this week it fell on deaf ears.

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

Mary: Jewish, Mother of Jesus and Now a Peacemaker

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: I’ve written before about ‘The Mary Initiative’ but it continues to have a powerful effect when people of different faith engage.


It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran

It’s Simple: Americans Don’t Want War With Iran

PHLIP WEISS: The Israeli lobby is taking a pummelling at the moment as leading commentators stand up to confront it. Is this a real turning point?

 Steve Royston

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

US Elections: 10 Subjects Obama and Romney Won’t Debate

STEVE ROYSTON: Preparation involves coming up with diversionary tactics whenever the question is likely to produce a response unpalatable to the listening millions.

 Rob L. Wagner

The ‘Culture of Terror’ That Spawns Racist Children

The ‘Culture of Terror’ That Spawns Racist Children

ROB L. WAGNER: Israeli violent actions are deemed to produce ‘soul-searching’ while Palestinians are simply ‘mindless thugs’. This attitude poisons hearts and minds.