Of Jesus, Smith and Elvis: The Prophet Issue
‘DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s a shtick that gets trotted out in editorial conferences at this time of year and occasionally editors buy it. ‘So who’s the real Jesus?’
Yemen: The Desperation of Ali Abdullah Salih
DANIEL M. VARISCO: It’s the ‘same old, same old’ with Yemen’s recently returned President, blather, bluster and baloney. In the words of the song ‘he just keeps hangin’ on’
Promise of Arab Spring Failing to Deliver for Middle-Eastern Women
LUCY EMMERSON: Now is not the time to let “women’s issues” fall to the back of the agenda; they must not be deprived of the dignity that they have fought for.
Tawakkul Karman: The Woman Leading Yemen’s Protests
ALICE HACKMAN: She has been profiled by leading international publications but long before the world discovered Tawakkul Karman she was battling fearlessly in support of human rights.