Richard Silverstein

Settlements Strangle Hope For Two State Solution

Settlements Strangle Hope For Two State Solution

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: You can begin to see the battleground before you. One state, the question is whether this will be democratic, semi-democratic, or a Jewish-dominated theocracy.

 Common Ground News Service

Palestine: The Issue that Divides Turkey and Israel

Palestine: The Issue that Divides Turkey and Israel

FAIK TUNAY, CGNEWS: Relations between Israel and Turkey have deteriorated over the past two years. There is one issue at its heart.


Young Palestinian Lynching: The Abyss Beckons

Young Palestinian Lynching: The Abyss Beckons

MONDOWEISS: The attack on four Palestinian teenagers last week could mark the beginning of a descent that has been actively encouraged by right-wing rhetoric

 mai abdul rahman

Israel’s Moral Crisis is a Palestinian Problem Too

Israel’s Moral Crisis is a Palestinian Problem Too

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The lives of Palestinians and Israelis are intertwined and interconnected. The actions of one group inevitably impact the other.

 Jonathan Cook

Nazareth Machinations: The Long Game to “Jews Only”

Nazareth Machinations: The Long Game to “Jews Only”

JONATHAN COOK: … Expropriations would become a staple of life over the next three decades as more than 70 per cent of the land belonging to Palestinians was nationalized


Mitt Romney: The Laughing Stock of Jerusalem

Mitt Romney: The Laughing Stock of Jerusalem

PHILIP WEISS: Shopkeepers in East Jerusalem joke about Romney’s speech. The implications of it, however, are all too serious

 Richard Silverstein

Israel’s Lack of Respect for the US Equals Disaster

Israel’s Lack of Respect for the US Equals Disaster

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: An Israeli leader who neither respects nor fears an American president is a recipe for disaster both for Israel and America. Obama has yet to find that out.

 Richard Silverstein

Crossing the Line: Level of Settlement Spend Revealed

Crossing the Line: Level of Settlement Spend Revealed

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: The document, prepared for the U.S. government (which deducts from foreign aid expenditures monies spent by Israel on settlements), has so far been kept a secret…

 Common Ground News Service

A Half Day in the Life of ‘the Last Arab Jew’

A Half Day in the Life of ‘the Last Arab Jew’

KHALED DIAB, CGNEWS: It’s possible to see the key struggles of the last 60 years through the prism of the life of Sasson Somekh.

 Juan Cole

Romney: Hapless in London, Insulting in Israel

Romney: Hapless in London, Insulting in Israel

JUAN COLE: The trip of Republic Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney to Israel is in bad taste for lots of reasons. Here are just 10 reasons as to why…

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s Systematic Destruction of Palestine’s Mosques

Israel’s Systematic Destruction of Palestine’s Mosques

JONATHAN COOK: Proof that Israel has been engaging in a proactive campaign to destroy Islamic places of worship under its control is there for all to see.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Arab Solidarity with Palestine’: In Name Only?

‘Arab Solidarity with Palestine’: In Name Only?

RAMZY BAROUD: The authorities in every Arab country are expected to express solidarity with the plight of the Palestinians. Is it just nice noise?


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire


Tourism: How Most Israelis Experience Occupation

Tourism: How Most Israelis Experience Occupation

REBECCA STEIN, MONDOWEISS: They wandered into Jerusalem as gawping tourists after the Six Day war. 45 years on not much has changed

 Common Ground News Service

A Muslim and Jew ‘Navigate the Tectonic Plates’

A Muslim and Jew ‘Navigate the Tectonic Plates’

COMMON GROUND NEWS: Two individuals confronted their own prejudices in a bid to help others from their side do the same.

 mai abdul rahman

Israel’s Moral Crisis ‘Is Driving Its Youth Away’

Israel’s Moral Crisis ‘Is Driving Its Youth Away’

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The recent case of a young Israeli who has given up citizenship highlights a crisis of faith among its youth.

 Common Ground News Service

What Has Peres Done to Merit Medal of Freedom?

What Has Peres Done to Merit Medal of Freedom?

MIKO PELED, MONDOWEISS: When it comes to Shimon Peres there’s a great struggle to see how he has advanced freedom in the Middle East in any way.

 mai abdul rahman

Israel: Erasing the Beauty of East Jerusalem

Israel: Erasing the Beauty of East Jerusalem

Palestinians whether Muslim or Christian believe they are witnesses of an unwritten Israeli agenda: Erase all traces of non-Jewish heritage.

 Common Ground News Service

Hunger Strike Success: Victory for Non-Violence

Hunger Strike Success: Victory for Non-Violence

DAWOUD ABU LEDDEH, CGNEWS: The recent hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners marked a sea-change in opposition to occupation.


‘Slaves to Occupation? No!’: ‘Non-Violence? Yes.’

‘Slaves to Occupation? No!’: ‘Non-Violence? Yes.’

MUSTAFA BARGHOUTHI, MONDOWEISS: The recent hunger strike should be a wake up call for Palestinians.