Editor’s Choice

 Naseem Tarawnah

Jordanian Youth Are ‘Disengaged’ from Politics

Jordanian Youth Are ‘Disengaged’ from Politics

NASEEM TARAWNAH – A ‘compare and contrast’ between protests in Jordan and those of Egypt or Tunisia produces one striking difference – the absence of young people.

 Rob L. Wagner

Saudi Electronic Media Law Sparks Blogger Fears

Saudi Electronic Media Law Sparks Blogger Fears

ROB L. WAGNER: The Kingdom doesn’t yet require blogging licenses, but vague language in a new licensing law may hold surprises for Saudi bloggers.

 Rania Al Malky

Lies, Damned Lies: Behind Egypt’s Disinformation

Lies, Damned Lies: Behind Egypt’s Disinformation

RANIA AL MALKY: You can’t fool all the people all the time. The hawks of Egypt’s current regime should have learned this lesson over the past 11 days.


‘Where Now?’: Options Discussed in Tahrir Square

‘Where Now?’: Options Discussed in Tahrir Square

AHMED MOOR, MONDOWEISS: Having been picked up in Tahrir Square and beaten up by the Mukhabarat last week Ahmed Moor returns and reports on the mood among protesters.

 Common Ground News Service

Time is Running Out For the Children of Gaza

Time is Running Out For the Children of Gaza

OMAR SHA’BAN: Beyond the physical siege that is being endured by the people of Gaza there is a ‘siege of the mind’ which is having a profound effect on its youth.

 David Roberts

Asian Cup Woes A Gift for Qatar 2022 Critics

Asian Cup Woes A Gift for Qatar 2022 Critics

DAVID ROBERTS: Huge queues, chronic transportation, empty seats and a less than fulsome welcome for travelling fans – a very long ‘To Do’ list for Qatar 2022.


How are the Saudis Reacting to the Regional Turmoil?

How are the Saudis Reacting to the Regional Turmoil?

EMAN AL NAFJAN: Shocked as they are by the events in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Jordan there are strong historical reasons why Saudis remain viewers, not participants.

 Sasa Milosevic

Lost Pharaoh’s Children Surviving in Mubarak’s Egypt

Lost Pharaoh’s Children Surviving in Mubarak’s Egypt

SASA MILOSEVIC: As I scanned the faces, I spotted a girl. She was no more than 5, all dressed in white, with a white hijab. She stepped in front of me, smiling like the sun.

 Common Ground News Service

Revolution Indonesia: An Arab World Inspiration?

Revolution Indonesia: An Arab World Inspiration?

SRI MURNIATI: Recent events in Tunisia will bring back memories for many Indonesians. Our transformation to a vibrant democracy should be a source of inspiration in the Middle East.

 Naseem Tarawnah

Jordan’s New Leadership: Will Jordanian’s Bakhit?

Jordan’s New Leadership: Will Jordanian’s Bakhit?

NASSEM TARAWNAH: The state needs to realize no one protesting in Jordan have been calling for regime change, but rather a change in government and real reforms.


It’s ‘Ruined’: ‘Tell the world he’s killing us’

It’s ‘Ruined’: ‘Tell the world he’s killing us’

MONA SEIF, MONDOWEISS: Today was the day everything changed. It was the saddest day, a peaceful revolution and has now been attacked with unspeakable violence.


#Feb 3 : Al Tahrir Battle 2, Death Toll Reaches 4

#Feb 3 : Al Tahrir Battle 2, Death Toll Reaches 4

ZEINOBIA: Here are the latest updates in Al Tahrir Battle 2. It is the second battle our protesters have faced against the regime after Tuesday January 25.

 James M. Dorsey

Libya, Algeria Cut Football to Thwart Protests

Libya, Algeria Cut Football to Thwart Protests

JAMES DORSEY: Oil-rich Libya and gas-rich Algeria have indefinitely extended their suspension of all soccer matches with anti-government demonstrations looming.

 Jonathan Cook

Palestinians Losing Patience With the PA

Palestinians Losing Patience With the PA

JONATHAN COOK: Eighteen years of the so-called ‘peace process’ appear to have drawn to a close and the Palestinian people feel betrayed by their negotiators.

 Rob L. Wagner

Quiet Revolution: The Saudi, Female Brain Drain

Quiet Revolution: The Saudi, Female Brain Drain

ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabia is sending thousands of women to foreign universities to obtain undergrad and postgrad degrees. Job prospects upon returning home are dim.

 Rachel McArthur

Coming Together: Why I’m Proud to be Egyptian

Coming Together: Why I’m Proud to be Egyptian

RACHEL MCARTHUR: Now I must admit that phrase had somewhat lost its meaning over the years. The government made its people lose the will to care.


Ramses II, Mubarak I: Spot the Difference

Ramses II, Mubarak I: Spot the Difference

DANIEL M. VARISCO: His survival as Egypt’s modern day Pharaoh is looking less likely by the hour. How will his legacy stack up?

 James M. Dorsey

Muddled US Policy Reflected in Footy ‘Friendly’

Muddled US Policy Reflected in Footy ‘Friendly’

JAMES DORSEY: The USSF’s reluctance to cancel the match contrasts starkly with the Egyptian Football Association’s decision on Thursday to cancel all premier league matches…

 David Roberts

Egypt: Where Were You on the Day When…

Egypt: Where Were You on the Day When…

DAVID ROBERTS: How exactly people think things will ipso facto get better I don’t understand. You can’t eat or pay rent with democracy.

 Michael J. Totten

Egypt Public Opinion: Islamists or Modernizers

Egypt Public Opinion: Islamists or Modernizers

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: I worry Egyptians are going to have to learn the hardest way possible – as the Iranians have – modernizers are better.

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