25 Days: The Countdown to the Anniversary of Egypt’s Uprising Has Begun…
RANIA AL MALKY: Over the past two weeks, SCAF has turned this cause for celebration to a potential apocalypse, casting a dark shadow of fear…
Khaled Saeid: Lack of Redress Keeping The Spark Burning
RANIA AL MALKY: Time is running out before the first anniversary of Jan 25. This time, Egyptians won’t wait 30 years before finding their way to Tahrir.
Maspero: Has Anything Been Learned At All?
RANIA AL MALKY: A revolution in attitudes towards the religious other is what’s needed. The current focus will only take us to the hell of sectarian violence.
Novels of the Revolution: What will they look like?
M. LYNX-QUALEY: With many of the ‘red lines’ now swept away novelists throughout the Arab world are free to touch on subjects hitherto out of bounds.
Lies, Damned Lies: Behind Egypt’s Disinformation
RANIA AL MALKY: You can’t fool all the people all the time. The hawks of Egypt’s current regime should have learned this lesson over the past 11 days.