‘Band-Aid on A Bullet Wound’: Jordan ‘Campus Violence’ Plan

NASEEM TARAWNAH: The current upswing in violence on university campuses throughout Jordan has prompted the authorities to produce a plan.
The ‘Educational Revolution’ That Is Transforming Saudi Arabia
ROB L. WAGNER: Free education overseas for Saudi nationals is having a massive effect on Saudi society.
‘Diploma Mill’: Easy Qualification for Some Saudis

AMERICAN BEDU: It’s a determinant of salary and position in many organisations but how useful is a university degree for Saudi citizens?
Pregnant and Abandoned: What Should You Do?

AMERICAN BEDU: Many foreign women who have had relationships with Saudi male students find themselves in great difficulty.
Saudi Universities Producing ‘Unemployable’ Graduates

CROSSROADS ARABIA: There is a huge problem with third level education in the Kingdom. But will anything ever be done about it?
Saudi Education: The Power Struggle Heats Up

ROB L. WAGNER: A new secondary school textbook highlights the struggle between liberals and conservatives within the Saudi Ministry for Education.
Saudi Arabia: The Merits of University for All?

CROSSROADS ARABIA: It’s not just Saudi, the US has certainly pushed the idea that without a university degree one is starting out as a failure.
Algerian Authorities Well Positioned to ‘Tough Out’ Protests

TMND: With a divided leadership and worries among the populace regarding their motives the protest movement in Algeria faces considerable challenges.
Quiet Revolution: The Saudi, Female Brain Drain

ROB L. WAGNER: Saudi Arabia is sending thousands of women to foreign universities to obtain undergrad and postgrad degrees. Job prospects upon returning home are dim.