Common Ground News Service

Facebook Group Fights for Palestinian Women’s Rights

Facebook Group Fights for Palestinian Women’s Rights

NIDA TUMA, CGNEWS: A newly established group is using Facebook to try and generate genuine debate between Palestinian women at different ends of the political spectrum.

 Common Ground News Service

Palestine’s ‘Al Jazeera’ Launched: Timely Indeed

Palestine’s ‘Al Jazeera’ Launched: Timely Indeed

NIDA TUMA, CGNEWS: With the attention of all the major news organisations fixed on the ‘Arab Spring’ revolutions, Palestine has dropped down the news agenda. Ma’an TV is set to address this issue.

 Jonathan Cook

Palestinians Losing Patience With the PA

Palestinians Losing Patience With the PA

JONATHAN COOK: Eighteen years of the so-called ‘peace process’ appear to have drawn to a close and the Palestinian people feel betrayed by their negotiators.