Michael J. Totten

The Struggle for Egypt’s Soul Has Only Begun

The Struggle for Egypt’s Soul Has Only Begun

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: I’ve spent a lot of time with the key players in Egypt’s developing democracy. It’s very clear that the real battle for the country’s – and the region’s – future has just begun.

 Ramzy Baroud

The Shifting, Complex Narratives that are Syria

The Shifting, Complex Narratives that are Syria

RAMZY BAROUD: There is no simple linear reading of the events that have overwhelmed Syria in recent months. The country is deeply embroiled in so many vital, strategic regional issues.

 Common Ground News Service

Lebanese Politics: More Women Needed

Lebanese Politics: More Women Needed

CGNEWS: Not a single woman was appointed to the recently unveiled Lebanese cabinet. 30 men now govern Lebanon. It’s, unfortunately, indicative of larger problems in society.

 Common Ground News Service

The Ongoing Battle Against ‘Honour Killings’

The Ongoing Battle Against ‘Honour Killings’

RASHA DEWEDAR, CGNEWS: It’s an issue that faces women throughout the Arab world but progress, it appears, is being made in some countries to protect women.

 David Roberts

UAE Footy Team’s Backheel Penalty – Tut Tut…

UAE Footy Team’s Backheel Penalty – Tut Tut…

DAVID ROBERTS: To those that perhaps don’t understand football culture, this is a shoddy thing to do. And it’s far worse if you’re already 6-2 up.

 Mich Cafe

Pigeon Rocks: Re-Discovering the Beauty of Beirut

Pigeon Rocks: Re-Discovering the Beauty of Beirut

MICH CAFE: Many places were out of bounds during the Civil War so it came as an enormous pleasure to wander freely during my recent trip.

 Alexander McNabb

Lebanon: Yesterday’s Technology, Today

Lebanon: Yesterday’s Technology, Today

ALEXANDER MCNABB: The image above is from the Lebanese Ministry of Telecommunications website.These are the people responsible for the Internet in Lebanon…


Aswany, IPAF, Translators: Daoud Takes Aim

Aswany, IPAF, Translators: Daoud Takes Aim

M. LYNX-QUALEY: In a wide-ranging discussion at the Shubbak festival Hassan Daoud, the Lebanese novelist and journalist, had much to say…

 James M. Dorsey

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

Arab League Exhibits Its Impotence (Again)

JAMES M. DORSEY: The AL’s newly appointed secretary general, denounced the Obama administration for declaring the Syrian leader had lost legitimacy.

 Common Ground News Service

Arab UK Festival Celebrates Multiculturalism

Arab UK Festival Celebrates Multiculturalism

NADA AKL, CGNEWS: A festival held recently in London brought Arabs and non-Arabs together to reflect upon and celebrate true mutliculturalism.

 Naseem Tarawnah

‘At least we’re not…’ Jordanians Compare Poorly

‘At least we’re not…’ Jordanians Compare Poorly

NASEEM TARAWNAH: We Jordanians have a problem. We’re always comparing ourselves to others but using the worst of the region as our benchmark.

 Crossroads Arabia

Soap Operas: The New Front on the ‘War on Syria’

Soap Operas: The New Front on the ‘War on Syria’

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Syrian soap operas have eclipsed Egyptian productions in popularity across the Arab world.

 Michael J. Totten

First Impressions Again: An American Re-visits Cairo

First Impressions Again: An American Re-visits Cairo

MICHAEL J. TOTTEN: It’s my first trip back to the ‘Capital of the Arab World’ for a while and though much remains as ever there have been striking changes since the revolution.

 Juan Cole

Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

Assad Plays the ‘Palestinian Card’ – Again

PAUL NOTAR, INFORMED COMMENT: He’s always been a skilful player of ‘the Palestinian Card’ but as the region changes his hold on that particular narrative is no longer exclusive.

 Mich Cafe

Beirut: Stone Figures Come to Life, Spark Debate

Beirut: Stone Figures Come to Life, Spark Debate

MICHE CAFE: I love these huge figures. They make you stop, think… And the idea of public works of art, open for all to see and appreciate, or disparage – is brilliant.

 Michael J. Totten

Assad Woes: ‘The Times, They Are a Changin’

Assad Woes: ‘The Times, They Are a Changin’

MICHAEL TOTTEN: Walid Jumblatt, Lebanon’s so-called political weathervane, is on the move again. Bad weather on the horizon for Bashar al-Assad, then?

 Juan Cole

Ten Real Reasons To Attack the Bigoted Weiner

Ten Real Reasons To Attack the Bigoted Weiner

JUAN COLE: Forget about the ‘sexting scandal’, Anthony Weiner has a lot more to answer for than some private peccadilloes. His blind allegiance to Israel means that he’s played a uniformly sinister role on Middle East matters.

 Syria News Wire

People Strike Back: Syrian Activists Take Up Arms

People Strike Back: Syrian Activists Take Up Arms

NEWS FROM SYRIA: Syrian forces are facing armed resistance for the first time. Will this provide the government with an opportunity to ‘divide and conquer’?

 Shelina Zahra Janmohamed

What Kind of Leader Do Young Arabs Want?

What Kind of Leader Do Young Arabs Want?

SHELINA ZAHRA JANMOHAMED: Whether it’s Mubarak, ben Ali or bin Laden it’s clear what sort of leadership Arabs don’t want. It’s far less clear however what they are looking for in their leaders.

 Omar al-Issawi

A Doctor, A Mother, Now She’s a Saudi ‘Rebel Driver’

A Doctor, A Mother, Now She’s a Saudi ‘Rebel Driver’

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: She is entrusted with the lives of many on a daily basis but Najla Hariri is not trusted to drive to treat those patients.