
Street Art In Yemen: A Channel for Protest

Street Art In Yemen: A Channel for Protest

TABSIR; It’s two years since protests broke out in Yemen and a good way to follow how politics has changed is to follow the emerging street art scene

 Mich Cafe

Beirut: Stone Figures Come to Life, Spark Debate

Beirut: Stone Figures Come to Life, Spark Debate

MICHE CAFE: I love these huge figures. They make you stop, think… And the idea of public works of art, open for all to see and appreciate, or disparage – is brilliant.


#Jan25, Departure Friday, The View From Tahrir Square

#Jan25, Departure Friday, The View From Tahrir Square

ZEINOBIA: It was bigger than last time and much better organized. People from all backgrounds, classes, ethnicities, religions and political views were and are there.