Added on 30/10/2012
Mich Cafe
Barack Obama , BBC , Birmingham , Education , European Union , Islamabad , Malala , Malala Yousafzai , Mingora , Pakistan , Pakistani military , President , Red Cross , social worker , Swat Valley , Taliban , United Kingdom , United States , Women , Women's issues
MICH CAFE: Two brave teenagers have confronted the Taliban to support education and women’s rights. It’s time the world recognised their achievement
Added on 16/10/2012
Rob L. Wagner
Al Qaeda , Army , Christopher Stevens , Islam , Mingora , Pakistan , Pakistan government , Prime Minister , Saudi Arabia , Swat Valley , Taliban , United States , US embassy
ROB L. WAGNER: Whether it’s American Christian fundamentalists or the Taliban in Pakistan everyone seems to have a view of the ‘true Islam’.
Added on 15/10/2012
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Bahrain , Bangladesh , Benazir Bhutto , Cambodia , Egypt , India , Indonesia , Iran , Islamabad , Jordan , Karachi , Kuwait , Malala Yousufzai , Mediterranean , Middle East , Morocco , Northern Pakistan , Pakistan , Pakistani military , Prime Minister , Ronald Reagan , Saudi Arabia , Solar energy , South Asia , Soviet Union , Swat Valley , Taliban , Turkey , United Arab Emirates , United Kingdom , United States
JUAN COLE: The Taliban are widely despised among the population of rural Pakistan. The biggest threat facing girls in this environment is a government that doesn’t care
Added on 16/07/2012
Alexander McNabb
Bangladesh , Crime , Gulf News , Life , Ramadan , Swat Valley , UAE , United Arab Emirates , Workers
ALEXANDER MCNABB: Where in blue blazes is somebody who’s making his living rooting through bins going to find Dhs 1,000 to pay a fine?
Added on 03/01/2011
Juan Cole
Afghanistan , Ahmet Davutoglu , Alexandria , Ali Abdullah Saleh , Ankara , Asia , Avigdor Lieberman , Bush , Christian Church , Damascus , Egypt , Egyptian military , Gaza , Germany , Hamas , Hamid Karzai , Hosni Mubarak , House of Representatives , India , Iran , Iraq , Iraqi army , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jordan , Justice and Development Party , Kirkuk , Lebanon , MEK , Middle East , Muslim Brotherhood , Netanyahu government , North Atlantic Treaty Organization , Obama administration , Oil , Pakistan , Palestine , Palestine Authority , Paris , President , Republican Party , Swat Valley , Syria , Taliban , Tehran , Turkey , U.S. , United Nations , United Nations Security Council , United States , US government , US military , Washington , West Bank , Wikileaks , Yemen
JUAN COLE: The Obama administration has been successful in tightening the financial noose on Iran during 2010, but Iran could fight back like a cornered rat…