Female Genital Mutilation: Still Major Issue in Oman
SUSAN AL SHAHRI: The last time I raised this issue publicly the reaction was overwhelming but ‘woman with the incense burner’ still prowls hospitals in Dhofar
Drugs Having ‘Profound Effect’ on Tunisian Youth

JIHED FREDI, CGNEWS: The recent chaos in Tunisia has allowed drug traffickers to gain a hold and they’re targetting the young with disastrous consequences
Women’s Health in Morocco: Huge Advances Made

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: A number of international programmes combined with improved education have led to significant improvements for Moroccan women
The ‘A’ Word: A Big Problem for Cola Makers

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: In spite of the cool words issued by cola manufacturers there is still great concern across the Muslim world regarding ingredients.
Female Circumcision in Oman: Please, Ministry of Health, Do SOMETHING!

DHOFARI GUCCI: My blood’s boiling following the news that a friend’s sister’s baby has been circumcised. It’s time for the Ministry of Health to take action.
“The Devil’s Seeds”: Life’s Grim For Illegitimate Saudis

ROB L. WAGNER: It wasn’t always this way – illegitimate children were in times past absorbed. The stigma today inflicts generations of damage.
Saudi Maternity: Good Business, Bad Medicine?

ABU MUHAMMED: I am told that some hospitals and clinics with birthing centers have good reputations in Saudi, but it only takes one to spoil the barrel…
Saudi Arabia: Aids, and the Opening Up of the Kingdom

AMERICAN BEDU: Things are changing and opening up in the Kingdom: Aids, for example, had been one of the subjects that was not discussed…