
 Matt J. Duffy

UAE Newspapers & the Self Censorship Debate

UAE Newspapers & the Self Censorship Debate

MATT J. DUFFY: The subject matter of this article offers a insight into which types of stories the paper’s leadership believe would be “irresponsible.”

 Mishaal Al Gergawi

Syria’s Fork of a Future, Where it Could Take Us

Syria’s Fork of a Future, Where it Could Take Us

MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: Should a new Syrian government have a more hedged policy towards Iran, Turkey, GCC, US and Europe, Iran would be dealt a blow.

 Steve Royston

Libya’s Rebels – “Who Are These People..?”

Libya’s Rebels – “Who Are These People..?”

STEVE ROYSTON: Yesterday I had a conversation with a Libyan friend. As an opponent of Gaddafi, I expected him to be cheering on the rebels. Not so.

 Alexander McNabb

Ambition, Inspiration a Heady Scent at ArabNet

Ambition, Inspiration a Heady Scent at ArabNet

ALEXANDER MCNABB: I went to the event with high expectations and they were, in the main, met, matched and knocked out of the field. This is now a crucial regional event.

 Naseem Tarawnah

The Day My World Was Turned Upside Down

The Day My World Was Turned Upside Down

NASEEM TARAWNAH: I joined the March 24th group’s sit-in with little expectation. What I witnessed has changed my view of my homeland.

 Juan Cole

Of the People, By the People, For the People

Of the People, By the People, For the People

JUAN COLE: Were he alive today Rousseau would have been impressed with how his idea on ‘popular sovereignty’ has been embraced in the Middle East

 Common Ground News Service

The Day My Vote Counted: A Trip Worth Making

The Day My Vote Counted: A Trip Worth Making

HODA OSMAN: How far will you go to exercise your new-found ability to vote? I’ll tell you how far – 5,621 miles which is the distance from New York to Cairo

 Omar al-Issawi

Time for Libya, Region’s Leaders, to Show Mettle

Time for Libya, Region’s Leaders, to Show Mettle

OMAR AL-ISSAWI: As Gaddafi begins to sound more and more like Saddam Hussein the rebels must now take advantage of the ‘No Fly Zone’.

 Rachel McArthur

Egypt Celebs Say No, Will they Convince Others?

Egypt Celebs Say No, Will they Convince Others?

RACHEL MCARTHUR: Public figures and celebrities are using their fame not only to encourage the public to vote, but to push for them to vote “no”.

 Mishaal Al Gergawi

Bahrain in the Balance: How Did it Come to This?

Bahrain in the Balance: How Did it Come to This?

MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: Failure to engage in dialogue will prolong the political stalemate, lead to further radicalisation on both sides.

 James M. Dorsey

Palestinian Emerges as Israeli Soccer Star

Palestinian Emerges as Israeli Soccer Star

JAMES M. DORSEY: Soccer is the one of the few things that lets Palestinians and Israelis at times look beyond their daily confrontations.

 Andrew Mackay

Social Media’s Rise: A PR Blessing, And A Curse

Social Media’s Rise: A PR Blessing, And A Curse

HAYDEN SUTHERLAND, ANDREW MACKAY: Social and digital media are changing traditional comms, giving rise to new communicators.

 Matt J. Duffy

The Real Damage of Vanity Fair’s Attack on Dubai

The Real Damage of Vanity Fair’s Attack on Dubai

MATT J. DUFFY: Gill’s article does not make the case for stricter press laws, rather it shows the need for journalists to take their profession seriously…

 Juan Cole

Qaddafi Threatens West With Al Qaeda Alliance

Qaddafi Threatens West With Al Qaeda Alliance

JUAN COLE: As the unfolding disaster in Japan distracts the world’s attention Qaddafi’s re-conquest of Libya rolls on. There will be scores to settle…

 Crossroads Arabia

Sunni-Shi’a Friction Takes Sharp Turn for Worse

Sunni-Shi’a Friction Takes Sharp Turn for Worse

CROSSROADS ARABIA: As a state of emergency is announced in Bahrain tension between Sunni and Shi’a in the region is on the increase.

 Mishaal Al Gergawi

Saying No to An ‘Open Sesame’ Welfare Agenda

Saying No to An ‘Open Sesame’ Welfare Agenda

MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: That the GCC is able to cooperate and function so well is both comforting and alarming. Comforting because it confirms the council still functions, alarming because it only does so in self-preservation mode.

 Jonathan Cook

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

Global Unpopularity Wearing Down Israel

JONATHAN COOK: Benjamin Netanyahu’s advisers conceded last week that the Israeli prime minister is more downcast than they have ever seen him.


Less Roar, more Whimper: Saudi’s Day of Mild Annoyance

Less Roar, more Whimper: Saudi’s Day of Mild Annoyance

EMAN AL NAFJAN: Division, governmental communications, heavy security – there are many reasons why protest failed to ignite in Saudi last Friday.

 Ramzy Baroud

The Rise of the Arabs, the Fall of Colonialism

The Rise of the Arabs, the Fall of Colonialism

RAMZY BAROUD: Arabs are ripping up the humiliating caricatures of the region imposed by the West, as they tear down authoritarian regimes, and begin to build truly civilized, and free societies.

 Steve Royston

Sharp Divides Emerge over Saudi Reforms

Sharp Divides Emerge over Saudi Reforms

STEVE ROYSTON: It’s not easy for a nation to move from a state where all things flow from the King to one where a country’s wealth belongs to its citizens.

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