Added on 22/12/2012
Artist , Ba’ath Party , BBC , Beirut , Cairo , Cyprus , Europe , France , Germany , Iraq , Istanbul , Journalism , Journalist , Khaled Mattawa , Kirkuk , Literature , London , Margaret Obank , Novelist , Poet , Poetry , prolific author , Syria , United Kingdom

AMIRA ABD EL-KHALEK, CGNEWS: He is one of the Arab World’s most revered authors and recently looked back on his life of writing.
Added on 18/01/2012
Common Ground News Service
Baghdad , CEO , Cyprus , East Africa , Iraq , Iraqi government , Israel , Middle East , North Africa , Sabah , Singer

NAAVA MASHIAH, CGNEWS: I have a love of Arabic music and poetry to an extent that baffles my father. Not unusual really since we’re Israeli Jews
Added on 21/12/2011
Steve Royston
Abdulaziz , Abdullah , America , Anglo-Iranian Oil Company , Beirut , Churchill , co-author , Cyprus , David Ben Gurion , Egypt , Faisal , Gamal Abdul Nasser , Hafez Assad , India , Iran , Iraq , Islamic Republic of Iran , Israel , Jordan , Kim Philby , Lawrence , Lebanon , Literature , London , Middle East , Moscow , New York Times , Paul Wolfowitz , Politics , Prime Minister , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Syria , Tehran , United Kingdom , United Nations , United States

STEVE ROYSTON: Book Review: Here you’ll find the Britons and Americans – proconsuls, agents provocateurs, spies, politicians – that shaped the Middle East.
Added on 28/10/2011
Abu Dhabi , Al Hamra , Al-Hijrah , Amman , Beirut , Blue Mosque , Christmas , Cyprus , Damascus , Dubai , Dubai Mall , Easter , Eid , Eid Al- Fitr , Eid Al-Adha , Food and Drink , India , Islamic New Year , Istanbul , Kerala , Muscat , New Year's Day , Oman , Photos , Sofia , Sri Lanka , Tunis , UAE's National Day , Umbria , United Arab Emirates

THE HEDONISTA: Eid al Adha has been my favourite – the last few years it has fallen far enough out of summer it occurs with the change of season.
Added on 19/04/2011
Steve Royston
Australia , Bahrain , Cairo , Canada , China , Cyprus , Delhi , Dubai , Egypt , Employment , Europe , European Union , Expatriates , Far East , Germany , India , Indonesia , Ireland , Japan , Jeddah , Jordan , Lebanon , London , Los Angeles , Malaysia , Manama , Middle East , Moscow , Naples , Oil and gas , Oman , Red Sea , Rio , Riyadh , Russia , Rwanda , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , South Korea , Syria , Thailand , Turkey , United Kingdom , United States , Yugoslavia

STEVE ROYSTON: One year ago I wrote the 10 good reasons to work in the Middle East. I would not change one of them. I have, however, added 10 reasons you may not want to.
Added on 07/04/2011
Common Ground News Service
Beirut , Christian , Civil society , Cyprus , Lebanon , President , Prime Minister , Turkey , United Nations

RITA CHEMALY: There have been a series of demonstrations in Beirut against the country’s so-called ‘confessional system’, in favour of a secular society.
Added on 28/03/2011
Steve Royston
Al Qaeda , Ba’ath Party , Benghazi , Cyprus , Gaddafi , Iraq , Libya , Malta , Mediterranean , Tripoli , Turkey , United States , US congressman , Western Libya

STEVE ROYSTON: Yesterday I had a conversation with a Libyan friend. As an opponent of Gaddafi, I expected him to be cheering on the rebels. Not so.
Added on 02/12/2010
Ramzy Baroud
Benjamin Netanyahu , Croatia , Cyprus , Gabi Ashkenazi , Gaza , Gulf News , Haaretz , Hizballah , Iran , Israel , Israeli army , Lebanon , London , Macedonia , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Middle East , Pluto Press , President , Prime Minister , Rafik Hariri , Romania , Serbia , South Lebanon , Syria , TNT , Turkey , Turkey’s military , United States

RAMZY BAROUD: Promises Turkey will no longer stand idle as children and women are killed no longer suffice. Israel seems unmoved by words…