Added on 28/01/2012
Steve Royston
Apple , Bahrain , Bill Gates , China , David Beckham , Davos , Economics , Egypt , Europe , Fidel Castro , film maker , Glenn Beck , Internal Revenue Service , London , London School of Economics , Malta , Manufacturing , Middle East , Mobile Phones , Qatar , Rome , Saudi Arabia , Switzerland , Tea Party , travel document , United Kingdom , United States , US government , Warren Buffett , Western Europe

STEVE ROYSTON: An Angell visited the other day. Not one with wings, but a Welshman with a biting tongue and the rhetorical skills of David Lloyd George.
Added on 31/12/2011
mai abdul rahman
Austria , Congress , Finland , Gaza , Ireland , Israel , Japan , Jerusalem , Malta , Middle East , Military hardware , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Sweden , Switzerland , the Hague , United Nations , United States , West Bank , White House

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: Neutrality would allow Palestinians to focus all their energies and resources on social development and nation building…
Added on 28/03/2011
Steve Royston
Al Qaeda , Ba’ath Party , Benghazi , Cyprus , Gaddafi , Iraq , Libya , Malta , Mediterranean , Tripoli , Turkey , United States , US congressman , Western Libya

STEVE ROYSTON: Yesterday I had a conversation with a Libyan friend. As an opponent of Gaddafi, I expected him to be cheering on the rebels. Not so.
Added on 19/01/2011
David Roberts
Army , Ben Ali , Malta , Paris , President , Qatar , Sudan , Tunisia , Twitter , United Arab Emirates

DAVID ROBERTS: The first thing that struck me was how often trending tweets were (completely) wrong. Twitter is great for disseminating information extraordinarily quickly.