On Press Freedom: Jordan’s ‘Misalignment’
Any Arab country serious about supporting a free and independent press must first revise its laws to give journalists the freedom to report news without fear…
No Oxymoron: Having Both Effective Defamation Laws and a Healthy Media
MATT J. DUFFY: Private parties should be allowed to settle differences via civil courts and truth should be set as the ultimate defence against defamation.
Collective Silence Greets Activist Trial Statement
MATT J. DUFFY: The people of the UAE deserve to know the context surrounding this trial. The press does them a disservice by ignoring crucial elements of the story.
Positive Signs in UAE Election Campaign
MATT J. DUFFY: Some concerns have been raised about the stringency of the rules relating to public discourse in the UAE elections. Comments from a senior official, however, seem to have assuaged these concerns.
New Convention ‘A Major Boost’ for UAE Workers
MATT J. DUFFY: The mistreatment of domestic staff in the UAE has long been a major concern inside and outside the country. Thankfully the issue appears to be rising up the political agenda.
Newspapers Inconsistent Over Blogger Arrests
MATT J. DUFFY: The question all UAE, and indeed regional, newsrooms ask is what is the responsible approach. A responsibility to reporting the facts, or to safeguard their future.
UAE Newspapers & the Self Censorship Debate
MATT J. DUFFY: The subject matter of this article offers a insight into which types of stories the paper’s leadership believe would be “irresponsible.”
The Real Damage of Vanity Fair’s Attack on Dubai
MATT J. DUFFY: Gill’s article does not make the case for stricter press laws, rather it shows the need for journalists to take their profession seriously…
Peninsula Journalism Attack Resonates Regionally
MATT J. DUFFY: The ‘fourth-estate’ is crippled by lack of legal protection, and journalists unwilling to deal with the consequences of being critical argues the Peninsula – to almost universal agreement.
UAE Media Breaks Silence on Emirati’s Arrest
MATT J. DUFFY: The next move would be to follow up on the article. Interview Hammadi’s family, for instance. But, that’s probably asking too much…
Pakistan Media ‘Mainstreaming’ Extremism
MATT J. DUFFY: Cultivation theory holds that exposure to television messages can cultivate homogeneous views, an outcome called “mainstreaming.”
Wikileaks – Where is the UAE Media?
MATT J. DUFFY: I suggest that one—or preferably all—of the UAE’s press outlets compile a simple report analyzing the leaked cables. The report should be published without a byline so no single reporter can be sued.