Added on 03/04/2011
James M. Dorsey
2010 World Cup , Africa , African Cup of Nations , Al Ahram , Algeria , Captain , East Africa , Egypt , Egypt Elections , Egyptian Football Association , Facebook , Food prices , Football , guard , hassan , Hosni Mubarak , Islamic Republic of Iran , Mahmoud Ahmadinejad , Middle East , National Democratic Party (NDP) , North Africa , Premier League , President , qualifier , Soccer , South Africa , Twitter

Soccer vs. Islam: The Battle for Egypt’s Future

JAMES M. DORSEY: The calm with which Egyptians accepted defeat, contrasts starkly with riots that erupted on two continents in late 2009 when Algeria stopped Egypt making it to the 2010 World Cup.
Added on 23/03/2011
Common Ground News Service
Cairo , Common Ground News Service , Democracy , Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Manitoba , Muslim Brotherhood , National Democratic Party (NDP) , New York , President , Technology , United States

The Day My Vote Counted: A Trip Worth Making

HODA OSMAN: How far will you go to exercise your new-found ability to vote? I’ll tell you how far – 5,621 miles which is the distance from New York to Cairo
Added on 09/03/2011
Common Ground News Service
Egypt , Egyptian parliament , Essam Sharaf , Hosni Mubarak , National Democratic Party (NDP) , President , Prime Minister , Supreme Council , Supreme Council of the Armed Forces

Egypt: Time for Cool Heads and Hard Work

RABAB FAYAD, CGNEWS: Though the attention of the world has moved from Egypt to the strife in Libya there is a lot to be done to ensure the ideals of the revolution are fully realised.