
‘Reprehensible’ Media Coverage of Gaza Attack

‘Reprehensible’ Media Coverage of Gaza Attack

MONDOWEISS: The coverage of the Gaza attack by mainstream media has invoked the outrage of leading academics and commentators on Middle East affairs

 The View From Fez

Amina’s Death: ‘A Stain on Morocco’s Conscience’

Amina’s Death: ‘A Stain on Morocco’s Conscience’

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: The rape and suicide of Amina El Filali has shaken Moroccan society to the core.

 James M. Dorsey

Saudi Condemned for Women’s Sport Restrictions – HRW

Saudi Condemned for Women’s Sport Restrictions – HRW

JAMES M. DORSEY: Saudi accused of kowtowing to conservative Muslim clerics who claim female sports are “steps of the devil” – Human Rights Watch.

 Matt J. Duffy

Collective Silence Greets Activist Trial Statement

Collective Silence Greets Activist Trial Statement

MATT J. DUFFY: The people of the UAE deserve to know the context surrounding this trial. The press does them a disservice by ignoring crucial elements of the story.

 American Bedu

The Question: Where Were You On 9/11?”

The Question: Where Were You On 9/11?”

AMERICAN BEDU: I was in CIA Headquarters in Virginia and my soon-to-be Saudi husband was in Pakistan on the day the whole world remembers.

 Crossroads Arabia

Geert Wilders And His Right to be Wrong

Geert Wilders And His Right to be Wrong

CROSSROADS ARABIA: Stupid, hateful? Yes but the court’s decision to allow the world to hear his views in all their horror was the right one.

 Syria News Wire

Citizen Journalists Provide Main Reporting on Syria

Citizen Journalists Provide Main Reporting on Syria

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: With well-respected wire journalists expelled by the authorities in Damascus the only on-the-ground reports that are emerging are via mobile phones and YouTube. There’s much room for speculation and rumour.

 Crossroads Arabia

Sunni-Shi’a Friction Takes Sharp Turn for Worse

Sunni-Shi’a Friction Takes Sharp Turn for Worse

CROSSROADS ARABIA: As a state of emergency is announced in Bahrain tension between Sunni and Shi’a in the region is on the increase.

 Jonathan Cook

Publish it Not – Israel and the Sultans of Spin

Publish it Not – Israel and the Sultans of Spin

JONATHAN COOK: Most freelancers forced into this position would either have learned to tailor their reporting to what was expected by the news desks or have headed off to another conflict zone. I stayed…