
The ‘Alien Spiritual Claims’ Heaped on Jews

The ‘Alien Spiritual Claims’ Heaped on Jews

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: I will not allow meaning to be defined by fantasies about someone else’s olive trees thousands of miles away

 Richard Silverstein

Press Freedom Sickly in Israel and Turkey

Press Freedom Sickly in Israel and Turkey

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: Is Israel a haven for the free press? Hardly. It allows extensive use of gag orders to protect the state, the military, and the wealthy.


Humiliation and Degradation: Easter at Qalandiya

Humiliation and Degradation: Easter at Qalandiya

LAUREN: “Tourists will see, firsthand, what Israel does not want internationals to see: the humiliation and degradation that takes place at checkpoints. They will be treated as animals as well…”