Ramzy Baroud

Return to Gaza: Memories, Tears… and Barrad

Return to Gaza: Memories, Tears… and Barrad

RAMZY BAROUD: It was the visit to my former home which stirred some of the most poignant memories – a house full of unruly boys, an exasperated mother and a loving, resourceful, thundering father.

 Ramzy Baroud

After 17 Years Trying to Visit Gaza, I Am Home

After 17 Years Trying to Visit Gaza, I Am Home

RAMZY BAROUD: Today the border at the Rafah Crossing officially opens. It’s another significant milestone of the ‘Arab Spring’.

 Ramzy Baroud

Unified: Now Palestinian Leadership Needs to Raise its Game

Unified: Now Palestinian Leadership Needs to Raise its Game

RAMZY BAROUD: The newly unified Palestinian leadership faces a very rough few months in the lead-up to the key United Nations vote in September.

 Ramzy Baroud

The Spirit of Freedom that Drives Gaza’s Long-Distance Runner

The Spirit of Freedom that Drives Gaza’s Long-Distance Runner

RAMZY BAROUD: Nader al-Masri sporting deeds reflect the stubborness and perseverance of the Gazan people.

 Ramzy Baroud

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

Egypt’s Back, Palestinians Unified. Israel Worried

RAMZY BAROUD: With Egypt reaching out to Israeli foes and the Palestinian agreement to work together Israel’s policy of division is in tatters.

 Ramzy Baroud

Libya Woes An Opportunity to Extend U.S Influence?

Libya Woes An Opportunity to Extend U.S Influence?

RAMZY BAROUD: There is a lot of discussion and political calculation bouncing around the corridors of power in Washington about Libya.

 Ramzy Baroud

Vik Arrigoni’s Simple, Powerful Message

Vik Arrigoni’s Simple, Powerful Message

RAMZY BAROUD: Grief and despair have been the overwhelming emotions felt by those who knew Vik Arrigoni. He has, however, left us an enduring message.

 Ramzy Baroud

“Disgraceful”: The Term for Goldstone’s Moral Collapse

“Disgraceful”: The Term for Goldstone’s Moral Collapse

RAMZY BAROUD: Eighteen months of relentless pressure by the Israeli authorities eventually bore fruit with the publication of Goldstone’s now notorious op-ed. Cheers can only be heard in Tel Aviv.

 Ramzy Baroud

For the love of Egypt: Why Besieged Gazans Danced in the Street

For the love of Egypt: Why Besieged Gazans Danced in the Street

RAMZY BAROUD: The lives of the people of Gaza have been deeply entwined with Egypt since the Palestinian Nakba of 1948. In spite of their current plight Gazans have been riveted and inspired by recent events in Egypt.

 Ramzy Baroud

Time for Hamas to Rethink Charter, Offer Hope

Time for Hamas to Rethink Charter, Offer Hope

RAMZY BAROUD: Hamas should now re-think its charter of 1988, which will always be used in the interests of those seeking to discount Hamas’ credibility.

 Ramzy Baroud

The Rise of the Arabs, the Fall of Colonialism

The Rise of the Arabs, the Fall of Colonialism

RAMZY BAROUD: Arabs are ripping up the humiliating caricatures of the region imposed by the West, as they tear down authoritarian regimes, and begin to build truly civilized, and free societies.

 Ramzy Baroud

Arab Revolutions Throw Spanner Into Israeli Propaganda Machine

Arab Revolutions Throw Spanner Into Israeli Propaganda Machine

RAMZY BAROUD: The Arab people who have taken to the streets to demand democracy are not playing to Israeli caricatures.

 Ramzy Baroud

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

From Gulf to Ocean the Middle East is Changing

RAMZY BAROUD: The revolution has restored power to the people, an experience many of us will always remember with pride, and a few with fear.

 Ramzy Baroud

Listen to Egypt Roar! Rediscovering Courage

Listen to Egypt Roar! Rediscovering Courage

RAMZY BAROUD: The word ‘revolution’ is overused in the Arab world. What’s happening today in Egypt is rather more deserving.

 Ramzy Baroud

Tunisia: How We Got Here and the Task Ahead

Tunisia: How We Got Here and the Task Ahead

RAMZY BAROUD: In Tunisia that ‘unprecedented anger” has reaped unprecedented results, leaving Tunisia with the great task of rebuilding a civil society.

 Ramzy Baroud

Generalizing Tunisia: What’s the (Real) Story

Generalizing Tunisia: What’s the (Real) Story

RAMZY BAROUD: Understanding Tunisia as just another “Arab regime”, another possible podium for al-Qaeda’s violence, is convenient but also unhelpful…

 Ramzy Baroud

Declaration of Palestine: Revisiting Hope & Failure

Declaration of Palestine: Revisiting Hope & Failure

RAMZY BAROUD: The Palestinian leadership needs to embrace partners of old, from the time before Oslo, the “peace process”, the Roadmap and all the other broken promises…

 Ramzy Baroud

Hope in 2011: People and Civil Society Stand Tall

Hope in 2011: People and Civil Society Stand Tall

When the Iraqi army fell before invading US and British troops in 2003, the latter’s mission seemed to be accomplished. But nearly eight years after the start of a war intended to shock and awe a whole population into submission, the Iraqi people continue to stand tall. They have confronted and rejected foreign occupations, held […]

 Ramzy Baroud

Insisting on Their Humanity: Palestinian Plight

Insisting on Their Humanity: Palestinian Plight

RAMZY BAROUD: It is the very balance between destruction and rebuilding, despair and hope, occupation and perseverance that makes the Palestinian people powerful.

 Ramzy Baroud

WikiLeaks Indicts, & Vindicates, U.S. Diplomats

WikiLeaks Indicts, & Vindicates, U.S. Diplomats

RAMZY BAROUD: Despite their high number, the documents raise many questions, but answer few. Since more are coming, one must wait and see…