James M. Dorsey

Millitant Football Fans To The Fore Again in Egypt Protests

Millitant Football Fans To The Fore Again in Egypt Protests

JAMES M. DORSEY: Militant football fans are arguably Egypt’s largest civic group. They’re preparing to confront President Morsi as they previously did Mubarak

 Steve Royston

‘The Devil’s Fire’: Syria’s Unique Blend of Pure Horror

‘The Devil’s Fire’: Syria’s Unique Blend of Pure Horror

STEVE ROYSTON: The situation in Syria is so desperate, so serious and so wide-ranging that it has the potential to affect every individual living in the region

 Juan Cole

‘Domestic Issue Deflection?’ Morsi’s Call for Syrian Action

‘Domestic Issue Deflection?’ Morsi’s Call for Syrian Action

JUAN COLE: President Morsi’s called for a no-fly zone over Syria. He is, though, facing a raft of serious issues at home

 Juan Cole

Clinton Tries To Set Up Obama As ‘Patsy to The Hawks’

Clinton Tries To Set Up Obama As ‘Patsy to The Hawks’

JUAN COLE: Bill Clinton has criticised President Obama for not providing stronger military support for the Syrian opposition. His own record on military intervention isn’t so good.

 Ramzy Baroud

Sunni vs Shia: This Sectarianism Is Destroying Arab Identity

Sunni vs Shia: This Sectarianism Is Destroying Arab Identity

RAMZY BAROUD: Any possibility of a Pan Arab national identity is being destroyed each day that people are being butchered in the name of a particular sect

 Jonathan Cook

Palestine Reclaimed: A Return to The Hill-Top of Iqrit

Palestine Reclaimed: A Return to The Hill-Top of Iqrit

JONATHAN COOK: A dozen young men have returned to the village from which their grandparents were expelled in 1948 and set up camp

 Jonathan Cook

Israel’s ‘Football Coup’ Prompts BDS Focus on Sport

Israel’s ‘Football Coup’ Prompts BDS Focus on Sport

JONATHAN COOK: Israelis are basking in the warm glow of playing host to a major international sporting event. Is it though the beginning of a South African style campaign focused on sport?

 James M. Dorsey

Brutality Back-Fires: Arab Spring’s Lesson for Erdogan

Brutality Back-Fires: Arab Spring’s Lesson for Erdogan

JAMES M. DORSEY: Once again battle-hardened football fans are taking the lead in confronting a regime. We’ve been here before.

 Ramzy Baroud

Gaza Is ‘Paying a Heavy Price’ For Egypt’s Political Turmoil

Gaza Is ‘Paying a Heavy Price’ For Egypt’s Political Turmoil

RAMZY BAROUD: Gazans rejoiced when their neighbours in Egypt experienced freedom. The consequences for Gaza of two years’ revolution in Egypt though are dire


Guilt, Responsibility and a Special Relationship: Why Palestine’s Vital

Guilt, Responsibility and a Special Relationship: Why Palestine’s Vital

SAM BAHOUR, MONDOWEISS: There are three essential reasons why the fate of Palestine is a matter for global concern.

 Jonathan Cook

‘Palestine? Not a Priority’: Internal Fissures Evident in Israel

‘Palestine? Not a Priority’: Internal Fissures Evident in Israel

JONATHAN COOK: As the physical threat against their security has waned so Israelis have been free to examine other areas of their society.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

‘We Can Blow Things Up’: America’s Power in the Middle East

RAMZY BAROUD: America’s current role as impotent looker-on is unprecedented in recent Middle Eastern history. This situation won’t continue indefinitely

 James M. Dorsey

Algerian Revolt: Surge in Soccer-Related Violence A Signal

Algerian Revolt: Surge in Soccer-Related Violence A Signal

JAMES M. DORSEY: Violent protest attending soccer matches has proven to be a reliable indicator of an imminent popular revolt in the Arab World. Algeria’s next then.

 Steve Royston

The Morality of Killing: What’s So Special About Drones?

The Morality of Killing: What’s So Special About Drones?

STEVE ROYSTON: Is killing via a missile fired remotely by a drone any different morally from killing by poison gas or a nuclear weapon?

 Mich Cafe

‘Safe to Speak’ For Journalists in the Middle East? Not Yet.

‘Safe to Speak’ For Journalists in the Middle East? Not Yet.

MICH CAFE: I’ve personally known several journalists who have been assassinated. It’s still a very dangerous occupation in the Middle East.

 Ramzy Baroud

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

Thriving: The ‘Hate All Muslims Industry’ Is ‘In Full Flow’

RAMZY BAROUD: The anti-Muslim brigade who take to the media at every possible opportunity received another boost with the Boston bombing.

 Ramzy Baroud

The History of Palestine: ‘We Must Seize Our Narrative’

The History of Palestine: ‘We Must Seize Our Narrative’

RAMZY BAROUD: Palestine’s history has traditionally been told through the prism of an accepted Israeli or Western narrative. It’s time for Palestinians to tell their own story.

 Syria News Wire

“We Win or Die”: Syrian Conflict Is a Matter of Existence

“We Win or Die”: Syrian Conflict Is a Matter of Existence

SYRIA NEWS WIRE: A new documentary examines both sides of the conflict through the eyes of its combatants. It’s a grim story.

 Juan Cole

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

Obama Telephones Putin: Regional Implications of Boston

JUAN COLE: It’s clear that reverberations from the Boston bombings will spread to Chechnya and beyond. How will it impact the U.S view of Syria?

 Common Ground News Service

‘The Tripoli I Know’: Shisha, Ice Cream and Friends

‘The Tripoli I Know’: Shisha, Ice Cream and Friends

AISHA HABLI, CGNEWS: It has a reputation as a place of conflict, where feuds and sectarian scores are settled. That’s not my experience