Jonathan Cook

‘Concentrating’ The Bedouin: Israel’s Prawer Plan

‘Concentrating’ The Bedouin: Israel’s Prawer Plan

JONATHAN COOK: The loaded term ‘Judaisation’ has been quietly dropped in favour of the more neutral ‘development’. The consequences are the same.

 Jonathan Cook

Palestine Reclaimed: A Return to The Hill-Top of Iqrit

Palestine Reclaimed: A Return to The Hill-Top of Iqrit

JONATHAN COOK: A dozen young men have returned to the village from which their grandparents were expelled in 1948 and set up camp

 Rob L. Wagner

Stiff New Visa Penalties Announced in Saudi Arabia

Stiff New Visa Penalties Announced in Saudi Arabia

ROB L. WAGNER: Social media channels in the Kingdom have been alive with chit chat surrounding the new visa rules.