Added on 22/03/2014
Juan Cole
AIDS denialism , Chadian–Libyan conflict , FACEBOOK INC. , Gaddafi family , Government , Hosni Mubarak , Libya , Middle East , Military dictatorship , Muammar Gaddafi , Pan-Africanism , Political geography , Politics , Recep Tayyip Erdogan , Social Media , Technology/Internet

JUAN COLE: Let it be a warning to dictators around the world – a clumsy attempt to shut down Twitter in Turkey back-fires.
Added on 23/02/2014
Ramzy Baroud
Africa , Ali Zeidan , Chadian–Libyan conflict , David Kirkpatrick , Foreign relations of Libya , International reactions to the 2011 Libyan civil war , Khalifa Hifter , Libya , Libyan civil war , Military dictatorship , Muammar Gaddafi , Political geography , Politics , THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY , US Central Intelligence Agency , War/Conflict

RAMZY BAROUD: Daily life in Libya today can be easily described in one word – ‘chaos’. What are the chances that order will be soon restored?
Added on 02/12/2013
Juan Cole
Arab world , Constitution , Egypt , Hosni Mubarak , Human rights , James Madison , Muhammad Morsi , Muslim Brotherhood , Political geography , Politics , Politics of Egypt , Religion/Belief , Uniform civil code of India , United States Constitution

JUAN COLE: Many of its provisions will be welcomed by secularists, in particular those with plenty of money but there are some fundamental contradictions too.
Added on 04/10/2013
Common Ground News Service
Africa , Bouazizi , Mohamed Bouazizi , National Constituent Assembly , Political geography , Politics , Ramzi Slimani , Sidi Bouzid , Souha Bouazizi , Tunis , Tunisia , Tunisian revolution , Youth Council of Sidi Bouzid , Youth participation

GHADA DALY, CGNEWS: The apathy that Tunisian young people feel for politics is being re-directed in a positive direction into varied civil projects
Added on 12/09/2013
Common Ground News Service
AIDS denialism , Chadian–Libyan conflict , Gaddafi family , Libya , Libyan government , Military dictatorship , Muammar Gaddafi , Pan-Africanism , Political geography , Politics , Social Media

MAROUANE BAKIT, CGNEWS: Rumor is the new currency in post-revolutionary Libya. Its effects are widespread and damaging.
Added on 20/05/2013
James M. Dorsey
Abdelaziz Bouteflika , Africa , Algeria , Algiers , Libya , Moammar Qaddafi , Political geography , Politics , Soccer , War/Conflict

JAMES M. DORSEY: Violent protest attending soccer matches has proven to be a reliable indicator of an imminent popular revolt in the Arab World. Algeria’s next then.
Added on 25/04/2013
The View From Fez
Africa , Casablanca , Morocco , Political geography , United States

THE VIEW FROM FEZ: As the plot to a Hollywood movie it would have been thrown out as incredible. But fact beat fiction this week in Morocco
Added on 28/02/2013
Common Ground News Service
Africa , Chokri Belaid , Hamadi Jebali , North Africa , Political geography , Politics , Tunis , Tunisia , Tunisian Constituent Assembly election

LAMIA HATIRA, NURA SULEIMAN, CGNEWS: We don’t have a culture of armed conflict but it’s possible that we’re moving in that direction.