Added on 14/04/2012
Addis Ababa , Cairo , Chile , Denmark , Edward Said , Egypt , future president , Hamlet , Ibrahim Jabra , India , Kenya , Latin America , Literature , Nasser , Omar Sharif , Oxford , Sadat , South Asia , Stalin , Syria , Tanzania , West Africa , Yusuf al-Qaradawi

HUSSEIN OMAR, ARABLIT: Nasser had a ‘Caesar Complex’ but for Egyptians and many other Arabs there’s only one Shakespearean hero.
Added on 09/01/2012
Steve Royston
Afghanistan , Ali Khamenei , Alternative Energy , Anders Breivik , Brezhnev , Cambridge , China , Christmas , communications technology , Education , Europe , Facebook , Food and Drink , Google+ , Harvard , India , Internet users , Iowa , IPad , Iran , Iraq , Kim Jong-il , Kindle , North Korea , Norway , Oil and gas , Online media , Oxford , policeman , Politics , Qatar , Ron Paul , Russia , Saudi Arabia , Skype , Social Media , Social services , Society , Taliban , Technology , Twitter , Ukraine , United Kingdom , United States , US Federal Reserve , Vladimir Putin , Warren Buffett , YouTube

STEVE ROYSTON looks at the arts, society, education, politics, business, technology and the environment as we move into 2012, the Year of Fear’.
Added on 04/01/2012
Steve Royston
Happy New Year , Middle East , New year , New Year's Day , Oxford , Saudi Arabia

STEVE ROYSTON: I thought of the Q-less dictionary as words rattled round my head to describe my golf game, and prospects for the world in 2012…
Added on 07/12/2011
Dhofari Gucci
Baghdad , Oman , Oxford , Royal Opera House , US Federal Reserve

NADIA: The Grand Mufti of Oman has deemed it unacceptable for Muslims to visit the newly opened Royal Opera House in Muscat. Much debate has ensued.
Added on 09/04/2011
Steve Royston
America , Battle of the Boyne , Bristol , Cambridge , Churchill , David Cameron , Florida , Germany , India , Ireland , irrigation systems , Islamabad , Israel , Japan , Jesus , Kashmir , Labor , Oxford , Pakistan , Prime Minister , South Asia , The Telegraph , Tony Blair , United Kingdom , United States

STEVE ROYSTON: If by expressing disapproval of past wrong-doings we are saying we will not condone such acts now, is that apology not worth making?
Added on 20/10/2010
Sultan Al Qassemi
Bahrain , Bristol , Dubai , Kuwait , Manchester , Oxford , The National , UAE government , United Arab Emirates

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: The sponsorship system does more harm than good, and the authorities should take the brave, but unpopular (amongst locals) step of ending it.