James M. Dorsey

Jordan: A Model For Sports Governance in Region

Jordan: A Model For Sports Governance in Region

JAMES M. DORSEY: The success of the Jordanian Football Association is causing other sporting bodies to sit up and take notice.

 Ramzy Baroud

‘Arab Solidarity with Palestine’: In Name Only?

‘Arab Solidarity with Palestine’: In Name Only?

RAMZY BAROUD: The authorities in every Arab country are expected to express solidarity with the plight of the Palestinians. Is it just nice noise?

 Rob L. Wagner

Morsi’s Election: The Opportunity for the U.S.

Morsi’s Election: The Opportunity for the U.S.

ROB L. WAGNER: There’s no doubt that alarm bells were ringing in Washington with the news of Morsi’s election. It does, though, present an opportunity


The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

The Long and Tortured History of Islamophobia

ALEX KANE, MONDOWEISS: Deepa Kumar has written a detailed study of Islamophobia which links it inextricably to the cause of Empire


When Will West Have Its ‘Road to Damascus’ Moment?

When Will West Have Its ‘Road to Damascus’ Moment?

DANIEL M. VARISCO: The only narrative seems to be ‘we can’t get involved in Syria because we’ll create another Iran’. There are alternative scenarios


Tourism: How Most Israelis Experience Occupation

Tourism: How Most Israelis Experience Occupation

REBECCA STEIN, MONDOWEISS: They wandered into Jerusalem as gawping tourists after the Six Day war. 45 years on not much has changed


Norah Al-Faiz: A Living Anomaly in the Kingdom

Norah Al-Faiz: A Living Anomaly in the Kingdom

AHMED AL OMRAN: The controversy surrounding Norah Al Faiz’s wearing of the niqab seems endless. What’s the significance?

 James M. Dorsey

Female Olympians? OK. Female Drivers? No.

Female Olympians? OK. Female Drivers? No.

JAMES DORSEY: It’s likely excellent news for Dalma Malhas but it’s unlikely she’ll be driving to show jumping events in the Kingdom anytime soon.

 Richard Silverstein

Give Iran the Bomb to Give the Region Stability

Give Iran the Bomb to Give the Region Stability

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: “By reducing imbalances in military power, new nuclear states generally produce more regional and international stability, not less…”

 mai abdul rahman

Dangerous Liaisons: Coupling Israel Love With Islam Hate

Dangerous Liaisons: Coupling Israel Love With Islam Hate

MAI ABDUL RAHMAN: The campaign of hate against American Muslims has weakened the United States as a whole, degrading the core values of the many in the targeting of the few.

 Juan Cole

Morsi Wins: Is Now The Rise of a Pluralist Egypt?

Morsi Wins: Is Now The Rise of a Pluralist Egypt?

JUAN COLE: One problem for Mursi is mollifying the Egyptians who are terrified of him, fearing he wants to turn their fun-loving country into a grim Saudi Arabia.

 Common Ground News Service

A Muslim and Jew ‘Navigate the Tectonic Plates’

A Muslim and Jew ‘Navigate the Tectonic Plates’

COMMON GROUND NEWS: Two individuals confronted their own prejudices in a bid to help others from their side do the same.


‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’: But Where Are They?

‘Blessed Are the Peacemakers’: But Where Are They?

DANIEL M. VARISCO: Wherever you look around the Middle East there is conflict, death and horror. Where is our Ghandi?

 Rob L. Wagner

Romney’s Middle East Team: Same Old, Same Old

Romney’s Middle East Team: Same Old, Same Old

ROB L. WAGNER: If Mitt Romney wins the U.S. presidential election it looks like we’ll be taking a trip back in time to the reign of George W. Bush.

 Richard Silverstein

Sheldon Adelson: Buying Politics, and U.S. Allegiance to Israel

Sheldon Adelson: Buying Politics, and U.S. Allegiance to Israel

RICHARD SILVERSTEIN: “Money is the mother’s milk of politics.” Sheldon Adelson may not have breasts, but he sure has the money and the power.

 David Roberts

Qatar Fire: Out Come The Shia Bogeymen

Qatar Fire: Out Come The Shia Bogeymen

DAVID ROBERTS: There has been some utterly dreadful reporting of the recent fire in a mall in Qatar. One particular report, however, stands out

 Common Ground News Service

What Has Peres Done to Merit Medal of Freedom?

What Has Peres Done to Merit Medal of Freedom?

MIKO PELED, MONDOWEISS: When it comes to Shimon Peres there’s a great struggle to see how he has advanced freedom in the Middle East in any way.

 James M. Dorsey

Qatar 2022: Report Puts Focus on Worker’s Rights

Qatar 2022: Report Puts Focus on Worker’s Rights

JAMES M. DORSEY: The publication of a new report examining worker conditions in Qatar ups the ante for the authorities.

 Ramzy Baroud

Syrian Sectarianism Threat to Wider Region

Syrian Sectarianism Threat to Wider Region

RAMZY BAROUD: The recent massacre of civilians in Syria marks the beginning of a spiral of horror which could engulf the whole region

 Common Ground News Service

New Initiative ‘Vital Enabler’ for Mideast Trade Links

New Initiative ‘Vital Enabler’ for Mideast Trade Links

KIM WYON-SERGEANT, CGNEWS: A new EU project, CUSTOM MED, has just been launched and promises much for business within the region.

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