Added on 26/06/2012
James M. Dorsey
Abdullah , As-Sunnah mosque , Crown Prince , East Africa , Egypt , Florida , Human rights , Human Rights Watch , International Olympic Committee , Kissimee , Libya , London , Manal Al Sharif , Middle East , Nayef bin Abdul Aziz , North Africa , Olympics , Salman bin Abdul Aziz , Saudi Arabia , Saudi embassy in London , Saudi Olympic Committee , Syria , Tunisia , Women's issues , Yemen

JAMES DORSEY: It’s likely excellent news for Dalma Malhas but it’s unlikely she’ll be driving to show jumping events in the Kingdom anytime soon.
Added on 27/02/2011
Mishaal Al Gergawi
Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz , Al Waleed Bin Talal , Bahrain , BBC , Crown Prince , Facebook , Gulf , Gulf News , Iran , Jeddah , Kuwait , Lebanon , Libya , Middle East , Mishaal Al Gergawi , Nayef bin Abdul Aziz , New York Times , Oman , Qatar , Saudi , Saudi Arabia , Shaikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa , UAE , United Arab Emirates , Yemen

MISHAAL AL GERGAWI: The different characteristics of Gulf countries are being revealed in how demands for reform are being made, and in the reaction.
Added on 05/12/2010
Sultan Al Qassemi
Abu Dhabi , AED , Bahrain , Berlin , Denmark , Europe , Finland , Food and Drink , Formula 1 , Gulf Cooperative Council , Gulf council , Iceland , Kuwait , Nayef bin Abdul Aziz , Norway , Oman , Qatar , railway network , Riyadh , Saudi Arabia , Social Media , Sweden , The National , Twitter , United Arab Emirates

SULTAN AL QASSEMI: Recently I attempted to capture some of these aspirations. On Twitter, I asked: “What do Gulf citizens want from the summit?”