Added on 28/06/2012
China , Ehud Barak , Gaza , Gaza City , Ha , Israel , Jerusalem , Journalist , Lebanon , LIRA , mass transportation , Middle East , Noam Sheizaf , Oslo , Palestine , Palestinian Territories , Second Temple , Tel Aviv , The Jerusalem Post , Tourism , West Bank

REBECCA STEIN, MONDOWEISS: They wandered into Jerusalem as gawping tourists after the Six Day war. 45 years on not much has changed
Added on 03/04/2012
Ali Abunimah , America , Athens , Baltimore , Columbia , Declaration of Independence , elementary school , Hillary Clinton , Israel , Jeffrey Goldberg , Jerusalem , Marcus Garvey , Middle East , Minnesota , New England , Passover , Pentagon , Peter Beinart , Second Temple , Temple Mount , United States , West Bank

PHILIP WEISS, MONDOWEISS: I will not allow meaning to be defined by fantasies about someone else’s olive trees thousands of miles away