Religious Comment Plus Political Activism Equals Trouble
ROB L. WAGNER: His religious comments were ill-chosen but they are not the only reason that he is in serious trouble.
“I am an Arab Woman of Color and We Come in all Shades of Anger. Beware.”
ANNIE, MONDOWEISS: She is set to become a major star and is a woman of great courage, strength and eloquence. But it’s an eloquence infused with anger.
Bahrain Sportspeople Arrested, Sacked for Protests
JAMES M. DORSEY: Bahraini sports clubs have dismissed at least 12 sports people and executives because they participated in anti-government demonstrations.
MidEast Nations Fight For FIFA Tournaments
JAMES M. DORSEY: Middle Eastern nations are competing to stack up successful bids to host major soccer events in an effort to position themselves as regional hubs for sport.
Is Saudi Encouraging its own Brain Drain?
STEVE ROYSTON: Could it be that the next wave of migration will come from the very class of people that Saudi Arabia sees as its future?
A Novel Approach to Improving the Perception of Islam
REMONA ALY: A bold initiative by young Muslim professionals to improve Britons’ view of Islam has sparked much debate. It may also be a template worth copying.
This is Cricket, There will be No Other…
STEVE ROYSTON: As a child, I used to stay up late to listen to the Ashes on the radio. Today, a little closer to Australia and half a century on, I’m still listening.